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Now Or Never

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In my opinion, this is the last chance for the East End, we have had enough trials, and basically, non have worked. The club have given us the oppurtunity this time, to make it work.

With the atmosphere on the up at Ashton gate, the East End really does need to prove its worth against Chesterfield, they wont have any fans, so its up to us to make an atmosphere.

If 500 people can get in the East End, i am sure it will be a huge success

So come on guys

its now or never for the East End

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Screw the East End. The view is kak :blink:

We need a dedicated singing section in an area that offers a good side view of the game so it is an attractive proposition to all fans if we are ever to regain the atmosphere at the Gate (as I suggested weeks ago; although others seem to be given the credit for it :wacko: )

If everybody put as much effort into pushing ideas for a new dedicated singing area as they do bleating on about having the East End for 1 miserable game against a team who will bring a bus load of fans at best; we will all be sat in it next season IMHO!

I will take my seat in the Dolman in the meantime.

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If everyone put as much effort in to make the Eastend work instead of wanting it to fail we could have an atmosphere back at the gate, you can generate a marvellous atmosphere when rival fans are next to each other in the same stand, you can get some good banter going too, and the view is not that bad i have been in their twice this season and haven't missed a minutes play, in my opinion it is a lie to suggest otherwise, ok it's not the best view in the ground that of course comes from the dolman, but this is about making a noise in the ground not a competition of who gets the best view.

I am not a fan of the singing section being in the corner of the Atyeo at all, if anything, it dampens down any noise and sounds really quiet from where i sit (F Block Dolman usually), I can hear the drums beating and that's about it, the obvious soloution will be to have all unreserved seating in the Atyeo with the singers being moved behind the goal, but that will never happen, so i see it like this, I will be in the Eastend come what may against Chesterfield beacause I want to go and watch a game of football where I can sing til my hearts content with 50 others who are also fed up with a lack of atmosphere, remember this is not about the best view.

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Its simply not the answer, the view and facilites are poor and it won't encourage people to go in there. Best approach would be to work with the members of the FFC and get them actively working with the club to look at geniune methods of improving the atmopshere.

I'm with you Tom but what has Fulham got to do with it?

The Fans Forum Committee is the best forum to represent these views, however, how do we use it?

I know you are part of it Tom, however, it wouldn't be fair if we were to bombard you with PM after PM on a subject such as atmosphere/singing section etc.

How about a new forum sub-heading with specific topic headings placed underneath e.g.

Fans Forum Committee Forum

Topic : Atmosphere

Topic : Catering

Topic : etc. etc.

This would limit ideas to specifics? And enable the FFC to summarise similar thoughts in preparation for their meetings.

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<br /> No amount of 'trial' will ever recreate the atmopshere that the East End used to produce back in the days of it being the home end. It may well create a good atmopshere for the Chesterfield game but it won't help create one for the Colchester match thereafter because all of the people sat in the east end will now be back in there comfy seats around the ground.

The club have always stated that the east end won't ever be open every game, at best 3-4 a season if your lucky.

Its simply not the answer, the view and facilites are poor and it won't encourage people to go in there. Best approach would be to work with the members of the FFC and get them actively working with the club to look at geniune methods of improving the atmopshere.

You mention 'block E' - when we all moved originally from the east end to the Atyeo the atmosphere followed and was always found in that very block, it was the steady introduction of the band in block h and the combination of the ayteo becoming a full reserved stand that put paid to it.

Spot on Tomarse, the old E is dead and gone and while I am sad that I never experienced it, I realise we need to move on.

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