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What A Pickle.....


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Oh dear.

If anyone says this isn't one of the biggest pickles since Mr. Pulis' reign, that BCFC have found themselves in, I'd have to ask where they have been.

Talk about rock & a hard place!!

A manager who clearly has BCFC in his heart, but no idea of how to get them out of the hole they are in.

A chairman who so say has the money/business know how, but has no idea of how to run a football club.

And fans who alledgedly are no help whatsoever to their team when they play at home.

It's all very well saying Mr. Lansdown has kept this team afloat for God knows how long, but for what?

Is there anyone here that can honestly say that there would not be another chairman elect waiting in the wings that would not do a better job?

Is there anyone here that can say that there would not be a better manager elect that could not do a beter job?

I feel angered at a chairman who can use his status to publically slag off the fans (vast amounts of which were here many, many years before he arrived....and will be here many, many years after he has left) all before a 5-0 drubbing!!

I feel there has to be substancial changes at this club, and quicker than yesterday, otherwise in not too many years we will be playing teams that are currently in leagues such as the Doc Martens etc etc.

How sad for a comatosed, over dosed on sleeping tablets 'GIANT'.

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