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If It All Came Down To The Final Game?

Ian M

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Sheffield Wednesday would be assured of a play-off place by then (barring stupidly terrible form from now) and more than likely assured of home advantage in the 2nd leg also.

Would Sturrock then approach this game with his reserves to keep his main players fresh as teams have done in the past? dunno.gif

I'm starting to like the look of our run-in shutup.gif

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Guest thatchermeup

I would love to go up to Hillsborough again for last game of the season. What an atmosphere it if came down to that game. We would be taking in excess of 5-6k. I'm still optimistic and hope it doesn't come down to this last game. Its all very exciting!!! city.gifsnack.gif

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I think that is a fair point - it does not matter sometimes what the manager says, if the players know deep down it does not matter, how many 50/50s do they go for. History is littered with games where when a team 'has to' get a result against one that has nothing on it, they usually do.

With eight games left, including Bournemouth, Brentford, Sheff Wed and Swindon, not to mention Danny's MK and Lees Port Vale, every game will be critical. Still think its against us, but if we scape in, we have as much chance as the last two years then of going up.

I remember at the end of last seasons play off, Brighton fans reacting as if they were bemused rather than delighted to be going up. Maybe its our turn?

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