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Matt Hill

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has anybody else noticed how bad matt hills passing is ,As a defender he is really good but he can not pass a ball to save his life .i find this hard to explain as he must pratice this in training but also think he wont get any better ,how can a professional football not be able to pass a ball

one last thought goalscoring midfield players robin hulbert ,simon clist both scored for the reserves yesterday .come on danny give them a go

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I think it has improved considerably on the way it was,when he started he made better kicks for touch than Jonny Wilkinson!

Having said that he didn't pass well on Tuesday.

I have noticed that he and Colesy have poor games when we play prem opposition, perhaps they're under orders not to do anything that will prompt an offer! :Costumed34: :Costumed34: :Costumed34:

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has anybody else noticed  how bad matt hills passing is ,As a defender he is really good but he can not pass a ball to save his life .i find this hard to explain as he must pratice this in training but also think he wont get any better ,how can a professional football not be able to pass a ball

one last thought goalscoring midfield players robin hulbert ,simon clist both scored for the reserves yesterday .come on danny give them a go

I did argue this point when people were debating to who they would put in the left back position, Hill or Bell. Hill is a better defender but Bell is better at passing and hoofing the ball forward! If they both had this qualities we would have the perrrfect player :(

Id still opt for Hill at the moment though, but agreed passing needs to be improved on :D

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Hill is the most over-rated player at the club, he's an OK defneder but not as good as alot of people make out, his passing, distribution and skill are horrendous, how anyone can pick Hill Over Bell is a disgrace as Mickey Bell is a class footballer despite being a bit slow, but he's getting on.

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If Danny reverts back to 4-4-2 then i think that woodman has done more than enough to be given the left back role.

As citygal9 says hill is a good defender bell is good at going forward and i think that woodman is a bit of both, not that bad at going forward and by no means a bad defender.

Hill should be loking to oust out butler or Coles, and Bell should be looking for a new club soon as i don't think he will have his contract renewed.

Woodman is the way forward.

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I would have thought that anybody who has watched Matty play football, would have realised that the guy can't pass a ball :(

The strange thing being is that it does'nt seem to be getting any better and like you say, surely the coaches at the club have him doing his bit to try and improve his game :Confused13:

Just seems to be one of unexplainable phenomenon's.

As for the bringing in of Hulbert and Clist......... I would go with the option of changing nothing for a couple of games and see how the players settle into this new system, after a good performance against Southampton, they should be able to get a few results against lesser teams.

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I slated Amankwaah after Tuesday night and rightly so. But I think I better stick up for Matty here.

His distribution has improved MASSIVELY in the last 3 years or so. I am no longer nervous when he has the ball at his feet. He very rarely makes the mistakes/handballs that used to be a feature of his game. Last season was great for him and the year before he deservedly won Player of the Year. Strong, committed in the challenge (he wins 90% of aerial balls despite being 5ft and a bit), solid and a good team player - that's Matty Hill.

Was MOTM vs Sheff Wed and always gives his best. A thoroughly nice chap too.

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His distribution has improved MASSIVELY in the last 3 years or so. 

Was MOTM vs Sheff Wed and always gives his best.  A thoroughly nice chap too.

Couldn't have said it better myself. He never seems to get down, and I think he is probably my favourite player. :(:D

Seems popular with the opposition as well, Lloyd Owusu (another nice guy I think)was one of the 1st to congratulate him on his goal line clearance from him on Saturday.

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Somebody else has noticed Matt Hills AWFUL distribution. He has even got the City fans preparing to go "Whooosssshh" when he is about to strike the ball.

Not only Matty though, Colesy is occasionaly suspect as too is Butlers.

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