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I wil have to agree with Godzilla on this one.  The only disadvantage with being over 16 but under 18 is we cannot get any loans etc. which most students will use to cover a lot of their money.  Don't forget also, in the past tehy got grants.  My Dad managed to get through uni, away from home only working 8 hours a week without any debts, yet the likelihood is that if I go to uni I will have £20000+ of debt.  I can see it causing a problem in the future, as a mate of mine did want to be a chemistry/physics teacher, yet is so scared of getting into debt doesn't want to now.  Instead he has got a management training job at Tescos (provided he gets the right A Levels) and intends to save up money so that when he is 25-30 he will train to be a teacher, but I think a change of career at that stage will be unlikely.  This is from a person who got 2As and 2 Bs at As Level, and is predicted to do at least as well again in A Levels.  Don't forget the current students have it easier than those in the future due to top-up fees.

Can someone explain why everyone except students should have debts ?? I didn't go to university but at the age of 23 got my first mortgage, putting me in debt to the tune of a £37k (a lot of money back then).

Also, despite the whinging, student loans are on extremely generous terms, nothing is paid back until they earn £15k a year and even then it's paid back very slowly and at a low (i.e subsidised) interst rate.

Even when the new top up fees are brought in students will still be paying less than 20% of the true cost of a university education, and that's not counting all the discounts and hidden subsidies they get from taxpayers and other consumers on everything from prescriptions to cocktails.

The english education system is still one of the cheapest and most accesible in the world, the world doesn't owe you a living just because you passed your A levels and I think you guys should be a little more greatefull for the easy ride you get.

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Can someone explain why everyone except students should have debts ??  I didn't go to university but at the age of 23 got my first mortgage, putting me in debt to the tune of a £37k (a lot of money back then). 

Also, despite the whinging, student loans are on extremely generous terms, nothing is paid back until they earn £15k a year and even then it's paid back very slowly and at a low (i.e subsidised) interst rate.

Even when the new top up fees are brought in students will still be paying less than 20% of the true cost of a university education, and that's not counting all the discounts and hidden subsidies they get from taxpayers and other consumers on everything from prescriptions to cocktails. 

The english education system is still one of the cheapest and most accesible in the world, the world doesn't owe you a living just because you passed your A levels and I think you guys should be a little more greatefull for the easy ride you get.

mate, i am a student and i agree with you 100%, it really gets on my 7175 when you hear that students are in £20,000 debt and say that they are going to work their whole life paying it off. Well, thats the point of a loan.

Students do have it easy, i'll be first to admit that, my life is a gem, yet you do get people {certainly at my uni} saying they are too busy to go to lectures or too tired. Too tired my ar5e

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