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Unfortunately I would say no. The intention is honourable but I think the relaity has proven less so.

The club really need to learn from the current situation and value it's customers more. They need to value the heritage of the club and what Bristol City means to its supports with the imediate vacinity of South Bristol and the Greater Bristol area at large and beyound. I stronly suggest that the club looks to repair the damage of recent months and engages considerably more with the fans. Marketing stratergies that are similar to those that were filmed in the Clubs car park by David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst is not helping.

What really concerns me at the moment is that although the club has invested so heavily over the past five years with little return. We are now faced with a situation in which the club tries to exhaust every avenue of income form its existing fan base without trying to devlope it's core business.

The biggest example of this ethic is at Swindon Town where fans pay over £20 a match to try and balance the books. The problem with this strategy if the core product i.e. the football is not good enough the number of fans to be fleased continualy reduces.

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Having seen what has been produced, badge/shirt.

Do you think the FCC consultation has been worthwhile?

If you do, do you think without them, the shirt and badge would have looked worse? (OMG god help us)

The FCC has a role to play, but I don't think it has been worthwhile. To me it seems to have given some inside knowledge to a few people, rather than opening up the club to the fans.

For me the biggest problem is that the minutes from these meetings never appear anywhere. Not even on the web site.

The opportunity for the club to gain a huge amount of feedback from fans in a channelled way has been lost. Instead we get a load of rants put on a web site message board. A lot of people have a lot of constructive views about the issues surrounding the club that can benefit the product but they are not being voiced properly nor are they being voiced by a strong enough organisation. This is an area where a supporters trust could help. The posts by Milo have shed some light on this but I would like to see his view on this.

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The biggest example of this ethic is at Swindon Town where fans pay over £20 a match to try and balance the books.  The problem with this strategy if the core product i.e. the football is not good enough the number of fans to be fleased continualy reduces.

As quite a few of our fans have said they will be attending more away games than home one in protest at the shirt, badge, season ticket prices etc then they are playing in to the hands of the likes of Swindon.

If they want to give their money to the home team rather than City that is their choice. Seems a bit blinkered to me.

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Having seen what has been produced, badge/shirt.

Do you think the FCC consultation has been worthwhile?

If you do, do you think without them, the shirt and badge would have looked worse? (OMG god help us)

I would simply like to know who they are. I cant believe that out of the twenty five members only two of them (TomF & richieb) post on here. If they are supposed to be representing the fans then surely it is only right that we know who they are?

Can somebody also tell me if they are called the FCF or FCC. Have they rebranded themselves? Was Dick Gould involved in this? ph34r.gif

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The FCC has a role to play, but I don't think it has been worthwhile. To me it seems to have given some inside knowledge to a few people, rather than opening up the club to the fans.

For me the biggest problem is that the minutes from these meetings never appear anywhere. Not even on the web site.

The opportunity for the club to gain a huge amount of feedback from fans in a channelled way has been lost. Instead we get a load of rants put on a web site message board. A lot of people have a lot of constructive views about the issues surrounding the club that can benefit the product but they are not being voiced properly nor are they being voiced by a strong enough organisation. This is an area where a supporters trust could help. The posts by Milo have shed some light on this but I would like to see his view on this.

Having just joined the FCC and attended one meeting, I would just like to say that I fully agree with you about the minutes and the first couple of lines of your post pretty much sum up how I had felt about the FCC before joining it.

consequently, at the push of the FCC members, we have decided to make real efforts to try and open it up more to all fans - giving all fans access to a dedicated e-mail address to the FCC and ensuring that minutes are taken at all meetings and published on the website and possibly programme.

There will be a section of the programme dedicated to the FCC in the future and this will allow more openness and communication and there was even talk about some members being available for access by other fans in the R&W before home games. A ist of names of members will also be made available.

Just to assure you, we ARE trying to open up the process so that the FCC is NOT a closed shop, it is not what we want or aim for. We want to be the "voice of the fans" and need your opinions in order to do so.


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Having just joined the FCC and attended one meeting, I would just like to say that I fully agree with you about the minutes and the first couple of lines of your post pretty much sum up how I had felt about the FCC before joining it.

consequently, at the push of the FCC members, we have decided to make real efforts to try and open it up more to all fans - giving all fans access to a dedicated e-mail address to the FCC and ensuring that minutes are taken at all meetings and published on the website and possibly programme.

There will be a section of the programme dedicated to the FCC in the future and this will allow more openness and communication and there was even talk about some members being available for access by other fans in the R&W before home games. A ist of names of members will also be made available.

Just to assure you, we ARE trying to open up the process so that the FCC is NOT a closed shop, it is not what we want or aim for.  We want to be the "voice of the fans" and need your opinions in order to do so.


So let me see if I got this right?

You as an FCC member? were yesterday asking fans who had posted critical comments on the SL/CS forum, to not do so any more, via PM?

Are you for real?

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I would simply like to know who they are.  I cant believe that out of the twenty five members only two of them (TomF & richieb) post on here.  If they are supposed to be representing the fans then surely it is only right that we know who they are?

Can somebody also tell me if they are called the FCF or FCC.  Have they rebranded themselves? Was Dick Gould involved in this? ph34r.gif

OK - See my post before, the measures I have just mentioned are to be put into place and this should give you a better idea as to who we are and also to give you more access to us as a fan base.

I agree with your question. And think you should know who we are. I would be happy to discuss the FCC with anyone who wanted to and will just say that I make no efforts to hide away. You all know my real name, you all know my ugly mug with the dodgy glasses and I will never say anything I don't feel. I have opinions like everyone else but you can all be sure that whether I am wrong or right I am always honest.

I actually also wonder whether they rebranded themselves FCF as I always though they were the FCC and then others began referring as the FCF... as the last meeting was my 1st and this wasn't discussed I am afraid I cant tell you!!

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So let me see if I got this right?

You as an FCC member? were yesterday asking fans who had posted critical comments on the SL/CS forum, to not do so any more, via PM?

Are you for real?

Not quite. I, as me (not in any FCC capacity), asked a couple of people who were not in my opinion asking genuine questions on the ask Steve L forum not to do so as it puts at risk our route to the club via that forum.

It is a forum for questions and rants are not in the right place on there!


Posts like the above are unhelpful. I am sure there are others who agree with me. I have no problem with criticism (especially if constructive) although the ASK steve L forum is for QUESTIONS not criticism.

Yes, I am very much for real.

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openEnd - just out of interest why didn't you apply for a position on the FCC? They were looking for people a couple of months ago to get involved - why didn't you if you've got so many axes to grind?

I have 2 axes to grind actually. Richard Gould and the FCC involvement/lack of communication. Without Madgers 'leak' would the badge have been unveiled at Bristol Trade Centre, last week? The FCC hadn't (and I doubt would have) muttered a word, they'd been instructed not to.

I'm sorry if I was told to keep quiet on such an emotive issue as a new badge it would've sounded alarm bells ringing, and that is not on.

Reasons for not applying

1) I think its a pointless exercise with the current board.

2) The badge (my main gripe!) was afterwards anyway.

3) I don't think I'd be the sort of input they (the board) are looking for.

Phatwill, you think its been a success?

Actually thinking about it they managed to get a robin on a poxy sail, well done, good job chaps.

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Guest DrFaustus
What one of his close mates from Australia?

No. One of his aus mates from Closetralia.

I'm sorry, drunk now and time to leave. Slarti...answer your pm please. biggrin.gif

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3) I don't think I'd be the sort of input they (the board) are looking for.

You are entitled to your opinion, although I would suggest that they would like a cross section of supporters (which I think they probably have) and therefore it is impossible not to be the sort of input they are looking for.

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Don't we have moderators for that job? Perhaps you're one of those too.

So what mode are you in today? FCC or non-FCC?

Yes we do have moderators although I think that they are more concerned with filtering out bad language/libellous comments than worrying about the unconstructive comments on the SL forum. At least, there have been a lot of these posts made and left there.

To clarify, I don't do modes. I am me.

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I have to admit, when the FCC was first proposed I thought about applying.

I decided against in the end because I thought I wouldn't be able to devote the time required to do it. (I don't know how much time is devoted by FCC members, I just assumed that it would require more time than I could afford).

I, too, have been disappointed with the results of the FCC. Specifically with regard to feedback, publishing of meeting minutes and the ease of getting a query raised at a meeting.

I think, in essence, the FCC was a good idea but it hasn't been properly organised or empowered. I would like to know if FCC members think they are treated seriously by the club or whether they think the club is merely paying lip service to the idea.

Incidentally, how much time do FCC members devote to the FCC? dunno.gif

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Well, as I have been to only one meeting i am not really in a position to answer many of your points.

I mentioned above a number of ways in which the feedback should improve in the future and we would welcome any further ideas you may have.

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I have to admit, when the FCC was first proposed I thought about applying.

I decided against in the end because I thought I wouldn't be able to devote the time required to do it.  (I don't know how much time is devoted by FCC members, I just assumed that it would require more time than I could afford).

I, too, have been disappointed with the results of the FCC.  Specifically with regard to feedback, publishing of meeting minutes and the ease of getting a query raised at a meeting.

I think, in essence, the FCC was a good idea but it hasn't been properly organised or empowered.  I would like to know if FCC members think they are treated seriously by the club or whether they think the club is merely paying lip service to the idea.

Incidentally, how much time do FCC members devote to the FCC?  dunno.gif

Something I thought about too but in the end didn't (after all who takes women's views on football seriously anyway)!

I think the issues you raise are the ones the FCC needs to address (and to some degree seem to be). Equally, the FCC is a new idea, it was always bound to have a few teething problems, but hopefully lessons will have been learnt in terms of organisation, communication and operation. With new members, and recent problems, I believe it could be a useful vehicle for fans and club.

There needs to be a clear method for fans generally to feed comments, questions, concerns, into FCC members (programme, website, maybe a half time announcement etc to let fans know how to do this). The club should be using as many mechanisms as possible to ensure more supporters know the FCC exists and how to feed in comments.

The problem is that if the club use the FCC as representative of the fans (? is that the intention?) then they need to be, otherwise too much onus and pressure is on a small self selecting group of fans. How can they be representative if not in touch with other supporters?

The club and the FCC members need to learn from what has happened so far and move on - it is a good idea but needs to improve the way it operates and communicates with the rest of the fan base.

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