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B.a.r. In Formula 1


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Anyone got any thoughts/opinions on B.A.R. being banned from 2 races and getting fined/points taken away?

Personally I think its disgusting that they have done this, why has the car suddenly become illegal four races in, was the car not checked at the start of the season, to be passed usable, and if not why not?

I bet if it was Ferrari then there would be no ban or anything, but then they always do seem to favour the one with the most money and to hell with the rest.

And lets hope that this weekends race is not interrupted by adverts three laps from the end doh.gif to ITV!


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It depends how you interpret the rules.

As far as I'm aware they say that when weighed the car has to be empty of fuel but otherwise ready to race (aside from needing petrol to start, obviously).

BAR argue that the car was empty of fuel, but needed this small amount in their ballast system thingy (whatever the technical term is).

The FIA argue that they say that they say no fuel whatsoever when weighed.

To me it sounds like BAR have bent the rules maybe a little too far.

Until the rules are less ambigious you'll keep getting incidents like this.

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