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Songs To Sing

tower crane red

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We have a singing area, Dolman Block G.

Drink Up Thy Zider

Drink up thy zider George, pass us round the mug

Drink up thy zider George, the garden's ver'nigh dug

Thy cheeks bin gettin' redder

From Charter'ouse to Cheddar

An' there's still more zider in the jug


Drink up thy zider, Drink up thy zider,

For tonight we'll merry be

We'll knock the milk churns over

And roll 'em in the clover

For the corn's 'alf-cut and so be we!

Drink up thy zider George, thee bissn't goin' far

Drink up thy zider George, thee's gettin' quite a star

There's dung o'er all thy tat'ers

An' 'alfway up thy gaiters

An' there's still more zider in the jar!

(Repeat chorus)

Drink up thy zider George, get up off thick mat

Drink up thy zider George, put on thy girt big 'at

We'm off to Barrow Gurney

For to see my brother Ernie

An' there's still more zider in the vat!

(Repeat chorus)

Drink up thy zider George, 'tis time we 'ad a rest

Drink up thy zider George, the finest ever pressed

There's nothing like good cider

To make your smile grow wider

An' there's still more zider in the West!

(Repeat chorus)

(Repeat chorus)

Que Spot to put my lyrics wrong.

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East,East,Eastenders doh.gif thats dead sad.gif so how about G,G,G blockers blink.gif or you`ll never take the g block; or we are the g block we are the g block we are the g block Ashton Gate w00t.gif

Them farmer.gif in the farmer.gif g block will think of sum fin.

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Guest MaloneFM

Ahem thank you gentlmen but I'm not sure many of you know who the hell Harry Roberts is/was and how long ago he killed coppers.

Tune: Tom Hark

Lyrics: Mind you own business-probably Rangers

I bought a flute for 50p

And where I went, it went with me

And on that flute all I could play

Was bless the Gas and Holloway

Oh come ON use your imagination on 'bless'. I have already been banned once!

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Ahem thank you gentlmen but I'm not sure many of you know who the hell Harry Roberts is/was and how long ago he killed coppers.

Plenty of articles on the Internet if you search for the name Harry Roberts. Roberts shot a few coppers in London way back in 1966 and is still in prison for it - almost 40 years on. The London bridge nursery rhyme was modified by Millwall supporters as a tribute to their anti-hero Harry Roberts, City's most recent version is "Leroy Lita is our friend he hates coppers".

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