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Will The Last Player To Leave Swindle...

andy g

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...turn out the lights ?

Heywood, Smith and Howard gone already.

Igoe and Parkin could be following them.

Will Swindon have eleven players next season ?

(it looks like they might struggle to get eleven fans too !)

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I thought igoe was rubbish anyway dunno.gif

Yeh and still probably better than his replacments going to be......King has his work cut out for next season....wouldnt suprise me if he was one of the first casualties of the new campaign.

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There's no transfer embargo you know, we are actually allowed to sign players!

I'm not panicing at all. We'll be fine.

King has a good track record in this department... To say we are bound for the drop is ridiculous until you see who we bring in.

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There's no transfer embargo you know, we are actually allowed to sign players!

Ah yeah but CAN you afford to?

I'm not panicing at all. We'll be fine.

Sounds like somebodys panicking if you ask me! dance.gif

Is your catering any better? We could always have them off you too if you want!


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There's no transfer embargo you know, we are actually allowed to sign players!

I'm not panicing at all. We'll be fine.

King has a good track record in this department... To say we are bound for the drop is ridiculous until you see who we bring in.

I think if you lose Parkin you might be in a bit of trouble, though it does to an extent depend on who you bring in. Would be interesting to see you relying on Mr Roberts for goals.

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Players leaving = freeing up wages.

Parkin departure = well when Danny Invincible or Eric Sabin left the call was "how will we replace him (Invincible)" and King did it better I have faith in him there.

Just wait.... I won't be the one to scream "WE'RE DOOMED" so early into the summer.

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Maybe if Parkin goes you will be a little concerned though surely Rich?

I guess that AK has a good knack of finding free decent players.

Very much so.... But I was when so many others left and we replaced them.

(desperately trying not to sound bitter ... and probably failing) Fact is we were poor last season so is it so bad that Smith goes? Or Heywood (leaky defence) goes? Or Hewlett (RUBBISH) goes? Or Howard (Unfit and not very good)... Answer is, no.

If Parkin and Evans go then I'll be eagerly awaiting King's next move.

I was sad to see Smithy go but it is by no means a tragedy.

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There's no transfer embargo you know, we are actually allowed to sign players!

I'm not panicing at all. We'll be fine.

King has a good track record in this department... To say we are bound for the drop is ridiculous until you see who we bring in.

And the point is, we've haven't seen any of these blokes play yet cool.gif

I think Swindon will be OK if they hold onto Parkin and he stays fit, but they have to consider offers if he's nearing the end of his contract because he really will provoke a scramble if he's available on a Bosman and Swindon won't be able to match his wage offers.

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