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Stewart seems sound - great signing - live and breathe Football - Support the one and only Bristol City - now is the time to get enthused and predict great things - pre season optimism is an essential element of supporting footie - no offence but I supect Mr Gow sits behind me at the Gate as the groans and complaints are heard every game after about 30 seconds..enjoy WE are Going Up

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Cant see that M. Stewarts signing will guarantee promotion. dunno.gif

Yes it may increase our chances BUT the team/squad needs to put in a bit more effort and have more belief than some of their efforts last season.

Its o.k scoring 3 or 4 but if the other team scores 5 or 6 dunno.gif

The defence was way out at sea last season and needs to improve greatly.

The Doc as well can be also important, if he stays, could be the best in this league if he wants to be.

Although Stewarts a good signing, it aint all over quite yet.

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