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I Feel I Have Let You All Down

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I attended the ITV Annual general meeting on thursday 26 may

this is what I said at the meeting

I am pleased that the Championship is now broadcast at a more civilised hour

I am under the impression that the local soccer night will not reappear until November 2005 could I ask why?

If the local TV sports coverage is not to appear until november could a local football spot be put on before the Championship

starts, that would encourage football followers to keep watching the Championship.

Considering that the Championship programme starts just as Match of the day finishes I think this would be a good idea.

A request made last year that the local news on saturday afternoons is broadcast later than the 5pm ish slot

this request is made again so the footy fans can have enough time to get home and see the local news and sport.

Sky pay 23 million pounds per year to broadcast fifty Championship seven Ist division and three 2nd division games LIVE.

Although I would like ITV Sport to have total control of the LIVE rights of the Championship (along with the 1st and 2nd division)

from season 2006 onwards.

If ITV Sport consider the cost of exclusive LIVE coverage too expensive, could ITV Sport consider secondary LIVE rights

so that the local ITV regions could have their own local derbies, similar to season 2001/02

To put things in to perspective the recent Bolton v Norwich premiership match had a viewing audience of 150,000.

Any way the deal has been struck from season 2006/09.

Hopefully we are out of the 1st division for many years to come

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