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Its Your Choice


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yes i know this is a dumb thread but my brain has been starved from football so I'm going just a little bit loopy hehe

all i ask u is which do u prefer

1.big bro

2.love island

3.I'm not sad enough to watch any


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Watch BB, sky plus CLI, yes I am that sad ph34r.gif

Max to win BB  smile.gif

Paul to win CLI  smile.gif

Saskia to get naked w00t.gif

Well I'vs just frantically been flicking between the two channels!! It is wicked!! That Paul on CLI is probably the most desperate.... *remembers Malone FM & We8gas re: DollyMarie*.... one of the most desperate blokes I have ever seen!!

By the way, out of both programmes there are only two people I find attractive - Sam of BB and Lady Isabella of CLI.

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Guest MaloneFM

Word on the showbiz grapevine my little fruitbats the word 'celebrity' is being dropped from all these half assed cheapskate little cornucopias of crap.

Its death to the ratings.

For example Sky are lobbing together a golf thingy with proper celebrities in it. Samuel L Jackson being one of them. And probably Tony Targett.

It will be called All Star Golf or something along those lines.

Also Corrie writers are getting jarred off with being told to jiuce up the storylines to prop up the ratings for these half assed etc etc.

Any more filth-Rog is your boy!

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Well I'vs just frantically been flicking between the two channels!!  It is wicked!! That Paul on CLI is probably the most desperate.... *remembers Malone FM & We8gas re: DollyMarie*.... one of the most desperate blokes I have ever seen!! 

By the way, out of both programmes there are only two people I find attractive - Sam of BB and Lady Isabella of CLI.

Do you mean me or we8thegas? I cant ever remember saying I was desperate on the forum blushing.gifph34r.gif

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For example Sky are lobbing together a golf thingy with proper celebrities in it. Samuel L Jackson being one of them. And probably Tony Targett.

Tony Targett rofl2br.gif

How do you dream this carp up Malone? Funny though


Incidentally, what ever happened to Rog, why don't we ever see him? is it purely down to his being caught unawares and alleged swearing live on air after an ad break. Or is it due to his being pants that he is no longer the face of our local sports coverage? biggrin.gif

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