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The Complete Squad?

Bristol Boy

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Reading what other posters have said about Tins comments in the WDP,have convinced me that Tins means what he says about having cover in all postions.

I've supported this line of thinking for ages, so have no argument with him.

Looking at the squad it's clear that we have three players who either cannot be replaced at all or cannot be replaced like for like.

Phillips:I predict a loan siging to start with and there should be plenty available.

Heywood:It's no good pretending that Carey, Fortune, Orr or Coles are cover, because they're not, so another ball winning centre back has long been a must for me and they could both play in a three man back line.

Brooker:With Heff & Miller gone, we're left with Lita, Stewart, Gillespie & Cotterill as strikers, so it won't be a disaster if we don't bring a target man in..........but it will be a disaster if Brooker's out for a few months and we don't adapt our tactics to a less direct game.

So, once again, I agree that we need like for like cover so that we don't have to change our game plan or formation every time one of the above is out.

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I like the approach that Tinnion has taken to his signings this summer. He's identified what he needs and brought in players accordingly (with the possibe exception of Stewart who is more of a luxury buy than a necessity).

The Keeper situation is difficult. A loan siging would provide cover but would Tinnion really want to drop Phillips for a player who is not even ours. Young, quality Keepers available on a free are not going on trees and it may well be difficult to fill this particular need.

The difficulty in trying to find cover players is that they are going to be signed in the knowledge that they are unlikley to start and this will make them less keen to sign on.

Hopefully Tinnion will find the answer!

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I personally would not buy a keeper if it's just for cover only, unless it's only a very young keeper you will pi$$ either phillips off or our new recruit by keeping one in the reserves long term, and we'll probably end up where we are now.

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Guest The Traveller

if we don't sign a centre half we could be playing the same defence as last year.it only needs a injury or a ban to heywood and we are in trouble.the thought of coles and fortune together again hope not. it was a poor defence that cost us last year.

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There is 2 keepers that are available on loan that i feel can do a job in this division this 1st one is Lenny Pidgeley!


And the 2nd Option for me would be Colin Doyle!


Who would you prefer if any of them 2 ?

Lenny Pidegely is good on champ man so he must be good!

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The logic of signing another forward would be that Lita and Stewart won't ever play in the same side and if they do we're signing someone who is what? presumably competing to be on the bench instead of Brooker, this strikes me as a complete indulgence, whichever two of Lita, Stewart and Brooker are in the best form should play, we don't need anyone else.

At the back another CB means that if Heywood and the other centre back are both fit one of them misses out too, what are we, Chelsea? this seems far too many players to me.

We do need another keeper though, but why we didn't just retain Jonathan Gould I don't know.

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