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Bloody F1 Debacle


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What the flip is going on in Formula One today, Michelin have said that their tyres are not fit to last the race distance, and so as a result it looks like there will only be six cars left in todays race, (2 ferraris, 2 jordans and 2 minardis) as all the other cars are on Michelin tyres, the 6 that can race are on Bridgestone tyres.


I don't get it, with 5 minutes before the race starts, it has turned into a complete shambles.


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No you cant blame them, (I hate ferrari so would normally blame them for most things) but, all the teams should have done the decent thing and said, "its not a true race, so we're not going either"

I think its good that Minardi are getting a look in on the tv pictures though, for a change.

It shouldnt have come to this though, they should have allowed to put a chicane in, or there should be some sort of back up plan (though I don't know what)

What should be an exciting race has turned into a farce!


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I haven't watched F1 for a while now, it got to a point where it was dull and predictable. This is the longest I've watched it for a while now though, but this is absolutely pathetic.

It's a sad day in Motor Sport when all but 6 drivers pull into the pits after completion of the formation lap.

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It's a sad day in Motor Sport when all but 6 drivers pull into the pits after completion of the formation lap.

Its a farce, and feel sorry for me, the fan who watches it regardless of what happens I am disgusted and apaulled (sp?) at this terrible farce.

And I would be majorly peed off I had saved up to by a ticket at a cost of a few hundred pounds to then sit and watch this.


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A completely stupid situation which should have been resolved by the FIA before the race started. Suggestions of a chicane being built were quashed by Ferrari, you cant blame them because they look to have 1st and 2nd.

No they weren't, Ferrari were indifferent to the chicane and said as such, but said that the decision was up to the FIA.

Michelin are at fault for bringing substandrd tyres to the race.

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Wasnt local lad Jenson starting 3rd on the grid as well before this all happened?

Yes he was!!!

Grr, and I sat through it as well, and well done Ferrari for just getting their trophies and walking off, did feel sorry for Friesacher though, getting on the podium for the first (and probably only) time in his career and then getting such a negative reception.


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I love F1 and it is really sad what we have seen here. It would have been really good to see a chicane at Turn 13, as it would have been different and safe for everyone. It is just extremely pathetic that no one could come up with a solution for such a simple matter.

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Guest MaloneFM

The broadcast policy at MaloneFM is not to comment on anything that is a load of over rated poo. The following are included topics:

Formula 1




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Shame about the farce yesterday as this season has been really good so far. I think that's it for F1 in the US though. But as there are a few new circuits, the Emerates (sp) for instance, they won't be missed.

I did feel for the fans that travelled for hours and hours to watch yesterday, unclear if they will get a refund as they did see a race. All this should have been resolved before it got to this, embarrising for the sport. Although the safety of the Drivers is of couse paramount. I've been watching for years, love F1, not as much as football though. city.gif

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It was avoidable.

Michelin made an innocent mistake.

The teams can not be blamed for not taking part if they felt it was not safe.

The only solution that was available after the FIA made a fuss about the chicane would have been to race for 7th and 8th position.

I would have either given Ferarri, Jordan and Minardi a 5-10 lap head start or even, incase one of them failed to complete the race give the 6 Bridgestone teams guaranteed 1st-6th places. But let the others fight for 7th and 8th. At least those who had spent thousands on traveling there would have had their money worth.

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