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Tins Interview

Bristol Boy

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Confirmed that we are still looking for:




Also confirmed that one or two could be moving out and NO firm enquiries for Goodfellow or Doherty.

Coles seems to be back in Tins good books and isn't being looked at in the same light a those two and Woodman, although, that could change because he's looking at a Bosman at the end of this season

I think that once Torquay have found that it's pointless to stand in the way of a player wanting to move, Akinfenwa could be back on although, given the Torquay & Donnie fans view perhaps missing out could be a blessing in disguise dunno.gif

The GK could well be a Prem/Championship "young un" and there should be plenty available.The League will give loan dispensation for keepers, so no crisis there if it doesn't happen post Aug 6th.

We can hope Heywood doesn't get injured, however, I still see this signing as the most vital of the three because we know that the other players at CB-Coles, Carey, Fortune & Orr aren't that kind of player.

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We already have 24 players on our books and if, as seems likely, there is no real interest in taking Doc and Goodfellow off our hands, then to me we are looking to no more than one more addition this summer, unless they both go.

To me the reserve keeper is by far the most important, we have been extremely fortunate that Steve Phillips has had a superb availability record over the last 3 years but that can't go on for ever. I'd also be interested to know how the league would view a club going into the period after the transfer window with only one keeper, which is surely just tempting fate.

I don't understand why Jonathan Gould was released, he is only 36, (which is just a year older than Van Der Sar), looked plenty good enough whenever I saw the reserves and I think he could also have covered the coaching role now vacated by Stowell, which would have made him a very cost effective appointment.

I still see signing Akinfenwa or the like as pointless, although he has really impressed me I think Brooker will find it pretty hard to break up a Stewart/Lita partnership, so why we would need to sign back up for him is at best questionable and even if Brooker does get in, to have either Stewart or Lita on the bench and Akinfenwa playing in his place following injury would be ludicrous to me.

I understand why Tinnion is talking about another centre half, but if I was in charge of the purse strings, having Coles, Fortune or Carey available to play there seems plenty to me even if none of them are exactly the first ball winning centre half. I also don't like the idea of us effectively signing 2 players for the same position at the same time, an unneccesary expense to me.

Final point, we already have 4 new players to integrate, if Tinnion did get his way and bring in 3 more that would be far too many new faces at the same time in my opinion.

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I don't understand why Jonathan Gould was released, he is only 36, (which is just a year older than Van Der Sar), looked plenty good enough whenever I saw the reserves and I think he could also have covered the coaching role now vacated by Stowell, which would have made him a very cost effective appointment.

Chatting to Richard G I got the impression that Jonathan was very much looking forward to his new role he was offered looking after youngsters in New Zealand I believe... so I'm not sure it was entirely the clubs decision although I am sure the club was also fairly happy to be able to look to the future..?

Possible one of those rare GENUINE mutual decisions! ?

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Coles seems to be back in Tins good books and isn't being looked at in the same light a those two and Woodman ...

Eh? - the last mention of Woodman that I remember is that he was back in the fold to contest the left-back spot, hence why Bell was not offered a new deal.

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IF (and god forbid it doesn't happen) Matty Heywood gets injured we WILL be in REAL trouble as Carey, Coles, & Fortune are not up to the ball winning task of defending as was proved too many times last season, so forget the GK (we can get one in at short notice), hold back on the new striker and go all out and get that other CD that we so desperately need (even if we have to loan Fortune out for 6 months/season).


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We already have 24 players on our books and if, as seems likely, there is no real interest in taking Doc and Goodfellow off our hands, then to me we are looking to no more than one more addition this summer, unless they both go.

Tins also mentioned 24 Players inc two goalkeepers so you may be right.I think he's hoping to shift three-Goody, Tommy & CW and bring three in.

I don't understand why Jonathan Gould was released, he is only 36, (which is just a year older than Van Der Sar), looked plenty good enough whenever I saw the reserves and I think he could also have covered the coaching role now vacated by Stowell, which would have made him a very cost effective appointment.

Wages dunno.gif

I still see signing Akinfenwa or the like as pointless,

By the looks of it, Tins may well be looking for him as:


b.Two up front-Stewart Behind.

I understand why Tinnion is talking about another centre half, but if I was in charge of the purse strings, having Coles, Fortune or Carey available to play there seems plenty to me even if none of them are exactly the first ball winning centre half.

We could get away with the odd game but, heaven forbid, if Heywood's injured long term or even 4-6 weeks, last season proved we'll struggle

Final point, we already have 4 new players to integrate, if Tinnion did get his way and bring in 3 more that would be far too many new faces at the same time in my opinion.

The integration is always a factor and that's why teams with loads of new faces need an intense and well managed close season and, even then, they don't always start well.

We must have our best team worked out and planned two weeks before we play Doncaster.

However, unless he plays two new centre halves, in a three for example, all three of the additional faces will be looking to start on the bench at best, hence it isn't such a big issue.

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Eh? - the last mention of Woodman that I remember is that he was back in the fold to contest the left-back spot, hence why Bell was not offered a new deal.

a.Tins doesn't rate him or like him.

b.We've got Golbourne & Fortune who can play there.

c.He needs to make space on the wage bill and three left backs doesn't add up financially, although I rate Woodman as a left back.

d.Torquay would love him and it could help with a deal for Akinfenwa.

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I would also be a bit edgy about too many new players, last time we did this was when we were promoted and they just didn't gel.

Problem was we signed to many strikers and didn't replace Sean Taylor, like for like.

Watford were promoted and we were relegated and that one decision contributed hugely to that failure.

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