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Team Photo


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for the team photo can someone please give KM a proper shirt with the sponsers on unlike the amauterish attempt last year!

and when i complained last year i had some cock and bull story about it not very noticable!!

and don't even get me onto the calender for the year before where they gets easter weekend dates completly wrong(well i suppose they got the right month)


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for the team photo can someone please give KM a proper shirt with the sponsers on unlike the amauterish attempt last year!

and when i complained last year i had some cock and bull story about it not very noticable!!

and don't even get me onto the calender for the year before where they gets easter weekend dates completly wrong(well i suppose they got the right month)

banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif

One without all the coaches, physios, etc. on this year.

Last year there were so many people on it, it had to be taken from miles away just to get everyone on.

Half the picture was a huge expanse of grass in front of them.

The gas one, though intrinsically vomit inducing, was a far superior photo. mad.gif

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