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A Song For Stewart....


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Although I am sure some of you have heard this song already, I thought it too good not to post for those who haven't. Mind you, if you don't like a bit of swearing its best not to read on....anyway here goes:

Please sing in the tune of the legendary "Tinman is a ######head"

"Ohhhhh, Stewart Plays for City, he hates the ######ing Gas

He left them cause their ######s, and now he's home at last

He loves a pint of cider, he's Bristol born and RED,

And when he meets old Irene, he'll ##*k on top her head!"

Now tell me that doesn't make you laugh and want to sing it more and more and more!

Obviously a bit of swearing so if you have any amendments to the above feel free to voice them!

NB: Dear Moderator, its only a bit of harmless fun!

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Guest we8thegas
Although I am sure some of you have heard this song already, I thought it too good not to post for those who haven't.  Mind you, if you don't like a bit of swearing its best not to read on....anyway here goes:

Please sing in the tune of the legendary "Tinman is a ######head"

"Ohhhhh, Stewart Plays for City, he hates the ######ing Gas

He left them cause their ######s, and now he's home at last

He loves a pint of cider, he's Bristol born and RED,

And when he meets old Irene, he'll ##*k on top her head!"

Now tell me that doesn't make you laugh and want to sing it more and more and more!

Obviously a bit of swearing so if you have any amendments to the above feel free to voice them!

NB: Dear Moderator, its only a bit of harmless fun!

yup,heard it

it's somebody's sig

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The Stewart song was originally composed by 'pilninred' and 'wadge scutler' who are two of the yellow submarine crews most talented song writers. I maintain that they follow in the footsteps of the talented English Republican poet Milton rather than Shelley, Wordsworth or Keats as suggested by 'downendcity' above. Milton wrote a series of pamphlets against episcopacy (1642), on divorce (1643), in defense of the liberty of the press (1644), and in support of the regicides (1649). He also served as the secretary for foreign languages in Cromwell's government. After the execution of Charles I, Milton published THE TENURE OF KINGS AND MAGISTRATES (1649) supporting the view that the people had the right to depose and punish tyrants. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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