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Virtually An Ollyism Or

Maesknoll Red

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"I have been at Bristol since I was nine years old and I thought it was

time for a change really."

Will this quote come back to haunt Joe Anyinsah? If he had a couple of seasons experience under his belt, fair enough, but this comment verges on the ridiculous.

Has this lad been poorly advised? I can accept the mercenary nature

of professional football, but with a youngster who has played 9 or 10

games for his club, that has looked after him ( and no doubt

mollycoddled him) since he was 9, to think its time for a change is


If this is the work of an Agent, (who I bet has pocketed a big wedge from this deal) then I feel that academy players (at all clubs) should be looked after by a FA/League appointed rep/agent until they are 21, the brief then should be to ensure the correct development and career foundation, rather than satisfy the agents insatiable lust for cash.

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"I have been at Bristol since I was nine years old and I thought it was

time for a change really."

Will this quote come back to haunt Joe Anyinsah? If he had a couple of seasons experience under his belt, fair enough, but this comment verges on the ridiculous.

Has this lad been poorly advised?  I can accept the mercenary nature

of professional football, but with a youngster who has played 9 or 10

games for his club, that has looked after him ( and no doubt

mollycoddled him) since he was 9, to think its time for a change is


If this is the work of an Agent, (who I bet has pocketed a big wedge from this deal) then I feel that academy players (at all clubs) should be looked after by a FA/League appointed rep/agent until they are 21, the brief then should be to ensure the correct development and career foundation, rather than satisfy the agents insatiable lust for cash.

Couldn't agree more. Admittedly the Preston manager, Billys Davis, seems to know what he's doing; however this seems a definite case of trying to run away before you can even walk. Get some time in young man!

perhaps his words will come back to haunt him when we whup PNE home and away next season. (I assume they'll stay up).

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"I have been at Bristol since I was nine years old and I thought it was

time for a change really."

Will this quote come back to haunt Joe Anyinsah? If he had a couple of seasons experience under his belt, fair enough, but this comment verges on the ridiculous.

Has this lad been poorly advised?  I can accept the mercenary nature

of professional football, but with a youngster who has played 9 or 10

games for his club, that has looked after him ( and no doubt

mollycoddled him) since he was 9, to think its time for a change is


If this is the work of an Agent, (who I bet has pocketed a big wedge from this deal) then I feel that academy players (at all clubs) should be looked after by a FA/League appointed rep/agent until they are 21, the brief then should be to ensure the correct development and career foundation, rather than satisfy the agents insatiable lust for cash.

I reckon it's the nice shirt !!


Seriously though, it does seem strange that he hadn't even broken into the 1st team & he now feels it's right for a change?

Is it the size of the wedge again or does he genuinely feel he will learn more at PNE ?

Good luck to him, being here since he was 9 is some loyalty.

PNE obviously have seen something in the way we produce our young lads.

They nearly got Fortune as well.

He was offered an improved deal by City, but we obviously didn't want him as much as PNE did.

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Guest 1948

Full agreement- but looking at the PNE website it looks as though they signed 3 young players this week, Joe will have to demonstrate real talent even to make the bench

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"I have been at Bristol since I was nine years old and I thought it was

time for a change really."

Will this quote come back to haunt Joe Anyinsah? If he had a couple of seasons experience under his belt, fair enough, but this comment verges on the ridiculous.

Has this lad been poorly advised?  I can accept the mercenary nature

of professional football, but with a youngster who has played 9 or 10

games for his club, that has looked after him ( and no doubt

mollycoddled him) since he was 9, to think its time for a change is


If this is the work of an Agent, (who I bet has pocketed a big wedge from this deal) then I feel that academy players (at all clubs) should be looked after by a FA/League appointed rep/agent until they are 21, the brief then should be to ensure the correct development and career foundation, rather than satisfy the agents insatiable lust for cash.

Having just watched JA's interview, it looks as if he was looking for this move alst season !

He says that he was keeping a special watch out for PNE's results.

Definate mole in their camp.

Still good luck Joe.

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He was offered an improved deal by City, but we obviously didn't want him as much as PNE did.

Another snide dig at the clun Richie? A 20 year old who has a handful of appearances under his belt, must have an upper ceiling on his renumeration, albeit with proviso to have that improved on appearances and improving ability.

Perhaps he wanted to go, perhaps an agent was promoting PNE and knocking City, do you suggest thst the board just grant every promising youngster the contract their agent demands?

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How can Joe say he felt it was time for a change as he had been here since he was 9 years old!! Did he expect to be in the 1st team at that age!! Fair enough if a player has actually been playing for the first team for a while and finds he wants to leave, because he's got the experience and maturity, but an 18/19 year old Bristolian whos been looked after by the club, i find that absurd. The previous posts were right when you guys said it was down to a greedy agent i think.

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Another snide dig at the clun Richie?  A 20 year old who has a handful of appearances under his belt, must have an upper ceiling on his renumeration, albeit with proviso to have that impeoved on appearances and improving ability.

Snide dig ? No just saying it as I see it. A view dosn't have to be a dig. If we felt JA had the potential we could/should have set our stall out to keep him.

Maybe it has nothing to do with the wedge ?

Perhaps he wanted to go, perhaps an agent was promoting PNE and knocking City,  do you suggest thst the board just grant every promising youngster the contract their agent demands?

Perhaps,perhaps, perhaps - yep, loads of perhaps.

As I said in other thread it looks as if the PNE interest has been there for a while, could well be that JA saw his future elsewhere & wasn't going to get the opportunity here.?

I know we have to be careful regarding packages paid to players, but wasn't it Marcus Stewart who said he saw us as the new PNE !!

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Snide dig ? No just saying it as I see it. A view dosn't have to be a dig. If we felt JA had the potential we could/should have set our stall out to keep him.

Maybe it has nothing to do with the wedge ?

A young head turned by the lure and promise that the grass is greener........ perhaps, but its not always the case, ask Carey & Murray.

If he had a full season (or two) under his belt I could understand, if he had been offered a pot of gold by Man U, Arsenal or Chelsea I could understand, but PNE, yes, a division higher, but will he feature as a first team regular.

Perhaps,perhaps, perhaps - yep, loads of perhaps.

As I said in other thread it looks as if the PNE interest has been there for a while, could well be that JA saw his future elsewhere & wasn't going to get the opportunity here.?

I know we have to be careful regarding packages paid to players, but wasn't it Marcus Stewart who said he saw us as the new PNE !!

I didn't see that quote, or the context it was in.

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"I have been at Bristol since I was nine years old and I thought it was

time for a change really."

Will this quote come back to haunt Joe Anyinsah? If he had a couple of seasons experience under his belt, fair enough, but this comment verges on the ridiculous.

Has this lad been poorly advised?  I can accept the mercenary nature

of professional football, but with a youngster who has played 9 or 10

games for his club, that has looked after him ( and no doubt

mollycoddled him) since he was 9, to think its time for a change is


If this is the work of an Agent, (who I bet has pocketed a big wedge from this deal) then I feel that academy players (at all clubs) should be looked after by a FA/League appointed rep/agent until they are 21, the brief then should be to ensure the correct development and career foundation, rather than satisfy the agents insatiable lust for cash.

This is just it, the time has come to stop all these freelance mercenary agents from instigating moves for players with no other reason than to line there own pockets and probably attempt to appear like there furthering a players career.

I'm sure there are decent agents out there that do care about a players welfare but we don't seem to have dealed with any recently at The Gate.

I cant agree more on the suggestion of FA appointed advisor/agent, the nature of football has changed so much in this country let alone the rest of Europe since the big £££ came into it with sponsorship and tv rights etc.

I don't like it and tbh whilst its nice seeing all the world superstars performing over here i would rather it went back to the pre Sky TV/Murdoch/Moneybags era.

The business of football has changed, and as small a thing it may be to some, if it wasnt like this i very much doubt JA would of signed for them.


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