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Would You Be Open To...........


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...taking a couple of minutes to read Tompo's Supporters Trust post, which is pinned to the top of this message board?

Tompo posted the article after attending his first meeting of the Supporters Trust Working Party, on Thursday 30th June, at the Ship & Castle pub, in Winterstoke Road, Ashton.



If the answer is yes, please email your details to mrtovey@aol.com and I'd be delighted to add your name to the distribution list.

A full article will appear on the official site in the next few days and the

club have also kindly agreed to the Trust Working Party operating a stand at

the forthcoming Open Day, which takes place at AG on Sunday 31st July, from

11.00am to 3.00pm.

The next meeting of the Working Party for the newly named Bristol City

Supporters Trust, will take place at the Ship & Castle, on Tuesday 12th July, at


Thank you for your time.

Mark Tovey

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Go Mark, go Mark!

Oh yeah!

(sorry Lenny Henry is on Live 8 and is doing his "oh yeah" bit!)

Come on everybody, the more support we can drum up for this more than worthy cause the better!

What do I need to do to get you interested?!?!


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Guest we8thegas
Go Mark, go Mark!

Oh yeah!

(sorry Lenny Henry is on Live 8 and is doing his "oh yeah" bit!)

Come on everybody, the more support we can drum up for this more than worthy cause the better!

What do I need to do to get you interested?!?!


something for the pervs might do it whistling.gif

(not me before you go on one of your rants)

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Guest we8thegas
My post was meant to be a serious one, but the dirty mind of some people has lowered the tone once again!

Grr! ranting.gif

Come to the meetings and you will see how serious we are!


sorry but my personal working party is the 2 brats after a 12hr shift now and again.

i'm on here with the youngest sat with me most times pressing the wrong keys for me banghead.gif

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Guest we8thegas
Stop changing the subject !

Hurrah for Bristol City Supporters Trust!

Come to the meetings please everybody, and help us shape a better future for the club we all love!


how much spare time will have to be donated to do what sort of things exactly??

(for anyone interested)

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Thats quite a broad question.

The more and more I learn about what we could do to help our club, (and as Tompo said, now is the time to do it, while we are not in financial trouble,) the more I desperately want to do it - yes Dolly is having a serious moment - We need to secure the future of our club, and be able to have a say in our club, and the ONLY way to do that is through the Supporters Trust.

Yes people already have commitments, and people work, but surely you can spend some time in the interests of our club, the club we love, and support when we think its all gone tits up, and support when its cold and raining on a Tuesday in November on Match night. Anything and anytime that people can spend will truly help City move forward in the way we ALL want to!

Please please, the more people that can help the better!

Sorry for going on, but it really isnt that hard to give up some time when you think it about it.


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how much spare time will have to be donated to do what sort of things exactly??

(for anyone interested)

I think it's fair to say that the time commitment does not have to be anything of note. If you wish to support the trust by becomin a member when the Trust is launched then that would be very gratefully appreciated and would cost you zero time and an extremely small membership fee.

If you wish to be kept informed, this will involve PMing Greenun/Milo with your email address and allow you to know the development progress of the Trust. This again costs no time, and also costs no money, but ensures that you are aware of the work being done to establish the trust and ensures that the trust is aware of your interest (extremely valuable information to those putting the work in to establish the trust).

If you wish to give more time, then the extent of your involvement is essentially down to you but might I suggest that you pop down to the Open Day to talk to some of the organising party, or pop along to a discussion meeting.

I am sure that Miles will post some information on the last meeting for all those of us not there to read, and that he will be proposing dates for future meetings so that we are able to diarise them soon.

So - in summary - give anything you can/want to give. Everything is appreciated and worthwhile.

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What is the difference between this, the FCC and even the SL forum?

Not knocking it, just trying to understand why a club as small as ours (notice small as opposed to sleeping giant or BIG as some people call us) need 3 good sources of input to the powers that be.

Too many cooks/jobs-worths? ph34r.gif

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The FCF (i think you meant) and the Steve L forum don't raise money for the club, which we will be doing.

As Luke said for a small fee you can help to try and secure our club financially, go and read the post that Tompo left, and read this one again more carefully, or PM me if you have any specific questions.


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The FCF (i think you meant) and the Steve L forum don't raise money for the club, which we will be doing.

As Luke said for a small fee you can help to try and secure our club financially, go and read the post that Tompo left, and read this one again more carefully, or PM me if you have any specific questions.


I don't want to read it; i'm lazy; this is why I want it on a plate for me. As for PMing women, I don't do that. My wife and stalking gay lover both regularly check my internet usage

Ok, so if it is a money-making device. Why is it dfferent from City 2000 or shares or credit card or over-priced tacky shirts?


The official devil.gif advocate

P.S. I actually don't care if it's FCF, FCC or FU - it's all acronyms to me; some might say borders on TXT talk which is banned! ohmy.gif

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Shush up you!

I'm trying to explain it to somebody who doesnt get it!

A supporters trust is set up by the fans of a club, usually in times of adversity (which we are not in yet thankfully)

It aims to raise money for the purchase of shares in the club, so that in some cases the fans end up owning the club. The clubs that are in adversity need to buy their club to stop it going under. Those clubs like us that are not so desperate are raising the money as a safety net so that if our directors decide to pull out, or want their loans repaid, then we have the money to do so, and can protect our club.

It also means that once the fans have a share of the club then they can have a say in what goes on as well.

Clear enough!?


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Shush up you!

I'm trying to explain it to somebody who doesnt get it!

A supporters trust is set up by the fans of a club, usually in times of adversity (which we are not in yet thankfully)

It aims to raise money for the purchase of shares in the club, so that in some cases the fans end up owning the club.  The clubs that are in adversity need to buy their club to stop it going under.  Those clubs like us that are not so desperate are raising the money as a safety net so that if our directors decide to pull out, or want their loans repaid, then we have the money to do so, and can protect our club.

It also means that once the fans have a share of the club then they can have a say in what goes on as well.

Clear enough!?



So, I presume I can sit here being lazy and await the P.M. from you telling me how much and where to send it as I can't be doing with details!

You can be my official accountant and intepreter. I pay peanuts, but, hey, I don't expect anything better than A1 service! w00t.gif

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Haven't the club already got a Supporters Club that raise money for the club?

Why do we need a Supporters Trust and Supporters club?

Although, It has been said, the Supporters club is very much a closed shop as far as new members are concerned, if you don't know anyone in there who will recommend you then you don't have a chance of joining.

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Haven't the club already got a Supporters Club that raise money for the club?

Why do we need a Supporters Trust and Supporters club?

Although, It has been said, the Supporters club is very much a closed shop as far as new members are concerned, if you don't know anyone in there who will recommend you then you don't have a chance of joining.

Thats why we need a supporters trust.

The Supporters club is limited to a certain number for various reasons, and therefore can only raise a certain amount of money. It is sadly, (and through no fault of its own) not in any sort of postition to buy any part of the club, should it be plunged into financial difficulties.

The supporters trust would be open to children, and familes (which yes the SC does allow, but not large numbers again)

We have been working with the SC, and members of the SC have attended our meetings.

Maybe somebody else from the SC could explain it better, or one of the other supporters trust members could explain it better.


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In response to questions from Screech and Neo ...

With many clubs, the Supporters Trust acts as an umbrella for all the interested fans group. The Trust will have elected officials running the trust and the board includes officials for the Supporters Club, Independent Supporters Association and any other fans groups. There is no advantage to the fans in having a fractured fan base and a Supporters Trust can act as a united voice.

At other clubs the Supporters Club has converted into a Supporters Trust. The advantage in them doing so are that a Trust is a regulated not-for-profit organisation (called an Industrial & Provident Society) which gives safeguards to members and allow the organisation to tap into other sources of funding. It overcomes legal complications that might occur with other fan based organisations who wish to own shares.

While Supporters Trusts elsewhere have made charitable donations, they all seek primarily to invest their fundraising into the Club in return for shares. Over time, the organisation becomes a sigificant shareholder. For many Supporters Trusts, they are already the majority shareholder or even own the club outright. At this point, fans of the Club know that their Club really is their own. As a united voice for the fans that is actively generating new funds for the Club in return for shares it would have earned the right to be listened to - in difficult situations it might have more teeth than the FCF.

I believe our Supporters Club is typical of many in that in addition to raising funds for the Club it mainly works as a club for City fans to socialise amongst like-minded spirits. One of the principle aims of a Supporters Trust is to seek to put the Club at the hub of its community. It wants to help the Club achieve its community objectives and to provide support and funding for these aims. It wants, for example, to actively encourage young Bristolians to get involved and support their local Club rather than Man U or Chelsea.

The Supporters Trust working group is talking with the Supporters Club and we are grateful for their representation and input at meetings so far. We hope and intend to continue to work with the Supporters Club.

Thanks to Tessa who has typed out the minutes. I'll circulate these to everyone on the distribution list and also on the fans forum tomorrow. As the minutes include the preferred website address and we won't be able to acquire the address until Monday I thought it best to delay publishing it.

If you'd like to be added to the distribution list, please send an email to me at mileshendy@blueyonder.co.uk

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For me the role of the Supporters Trust, as compared to other Supporters groups, has the primary aim of raising funds to secure shares and ensure representation for fans at the highest level - a fans representative on the Board.

Add to this the desire to get more involved in the Club, to help put money into the Club and to provide a greater link between the Club and its Community, then I think you have a recipe that most fans would greatly welcome and support.

That is what our Supporters Trust will be about and what the Working Group is aiming for - everyone is welcome, we need as many supporters as we can engage, at whatever level and with whatever time/money commitment possible, we need you all!

Come to the stand at the Open Day and have a chat if you are not sure, or come along to the next meeting and share you views with the rest of us.

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