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Pre Season

Bristol Boy

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12 Players Out

I Commercial Manager Gone

1 Coach Out

5 Players In

1 Coach Not Joining

Never boring is it?

At the end of last season, I like many others had just about had enough of false dawns and our inability to exit this division.

I'd resigned myself to missing next season because, let's face it, the noises coming out of Ashton Gate at the end of the season were hardly deafening with enthusiasm.

We didn't have any money for fees, even if Miller moved on.Despite Tinnions best efforts, rumours of discontent abounded.

Well, fair play to Tins & SL, they've convinced me and, I suspect, many others to reinvest in a Seson Ticket and look forward to the start.

The four players we've signed seem to be either class in the case of MS or have good reports from fans of their existing clubs.

All are the exact type of player we needed and will fit into our team, although Anyinsahs defection has proved untimely if we're going to go 4-4-2 unless Murray returns to form to provide a pacy outlet on the right.

Cotterill is quick enough and tricky, but doesn't have Anyinsahs' pace.Smith prefers a role inside, just off the wing and, whilst quick enough, doesn't posses that blistering pace that turns average players into very good or great ones.

The next two weeks will, I predict, bring the three players we have said we're looking for and the departure of Doherty, Goodfellow & Anyinsah, has more than created the space on the wage bill........you never know,Dohertys' fee, not forgetting Anyinsahs may just have loosened the purse strings enough for us to pay a fee.

Woodman may now stay as cover at left back, although, now that Akinfenwa's signed for Swansea, the route to Torquay now seems less likely although a free with a big sell on clause may be a possibility.

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Yes, I agree with much of this. I do have more confidence that Tins is much better at spotting the type of players we need - in attitude as well as skill - than we've had for a while. Dinning is, of course, the exception that proves the rule.

Which brings me to point two. I am also finding hope in Tins' no nonsense approach. He will not settle for players taking our club for a ride. I have been a fan of Doherty's for years, but his insistence on smoking and drinking not only left us with half a player, it also set an horrendous example of professionalism. No one player is bigger than the club, and if Tins wants to instill a work ethic then that's hard to do if you make exceptions. So the fact that Tins is prepared to take action rather than just talk I find positive, even if it means sacrificing someone like TD. Also, Dinning showed that BT's prepared to ship players out even if he's signed them himself. Rather than being stubborn just because he signed a player and can't admit he made a mistake, he gets rid rather than lumber us long term like DW did.

I am not devastated by JA's switch, though it's inconvenient and not ideal. But I don't believe we should start throwing money around on fees. I think Tins is more than capable of finding what we need mainly on Bosmans. However, if I was SL I would have more confidence that any money being freed up was likely to be used wisely. BT seems to be better at planning in advance and watching players, knowing their temperament etc rather than just panic buying without really knowing enough about the player and his history in advance.

Also, I rate Cotterill on the wing. I'd be more than happy to see him competing with SM on the right side, because he's going to be hard pushed to get into the front line, and I find him very effective on the right, He may not be the fastest, but he terrifies defenders by running at them and he's got a decent cross on him.

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Akinfenwas signed for Swansea? Result dance.gif

With the money received for Miller, Doherty & Anyinsah (although yet to be received/agreed) then surely some can be released to sign Coughlin from Plymouth - that really would be the final piece in the Defensive jigsaw.

I don't think we need the extra striker (or target man if you like) because with the players we have, we are more than capable of playing football.

We do need a pacy left winger though, as Smith apparently prefers a more central role. As for suggestions to fill this gap - I honestly don't know.

A goalkeeper is also a necessity - Day has been suggested, but would he be prepared to sit on the bench in reserve? It's also been mentioned that Coventry are interested in him, and Tins has said he wants to bring in someone younger, so for those two reasons I don't think that Day will be the one.

I also don't think (or indeed hope that) Naylor will be asked to step in if something happens - Stowell was younger than him blink.gif For a coach, yeah ok but not as a player/backup.

Agree that this season is shapeing up to be very interesting indeed - I'll admit that I had doubts about renewing my season ticket - Thankfully the heart ruled the head though biggrin.gif

Edit: Also with regards to Murray, this really is make or break time for him I think. If he fails to regain some sort of regular form (I'm not talking about the form from THAT season) then this time next year we won't be talking about him in potential squads, because I seriously doubt he'll be here.

Tins has already proved with Bell, that friendships when you're in the position that he's in cannot and will not get in the way of making a professional decision. Hopefully the real Scott Murray will return though (including a hair cut biggrin.gif)

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Cotterill is quick enough and tricky, but doesn't have Anyinsahs' pace.Smith prefers a role inside, just off the wing and, whilst quick enough, doesn't posses that blistering pace that turns average players into very good or great ones.

I think you have picked the one aspect that I would still like to be added to our midfield. We have hard working box to box players, we have skillful attacking options who can play both the short and direct game but we still lack players with explosive pace to get onto the ball over the fullback.

All the comments from Tinnion never included the wing and I think that Anyisah was definately in his mind. Now that he has left I can imagine a few trialists coming into the club over the next few weeks and hopefully these will include some pacy players. Does John Salako still have his Billy wizz boots or have they departed with age?

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Which brings me to point two. I am also finding hope in Tins' no nonsense approach. He will not settle for players taking our club for a ride. I have been a fan of Doherty's for years, but his insistence on smoking and drinking not only left us with half a player, it also set an horrendous example of professionalism.

A combination of injury and lifestyle did for TD, no doubt.

Dinning showed that BT's prepared to ship players out even if he's signed them himself. Rather than being stubborn just because he signed a player and can't admit he made a mistake, he gets rid rather than lumber us long term like DW did.

Agree totally with that and it would be interesting to see just how many players Tins has shipped in and out over the last two seasons, by kick off on 6th August.I still think CW & SM could well be gone by mid season with replacements coming in.

I am not devastated by JA's switch, though it's inconvenient and not ideal. But I don't believe we should start throwing money around on fees.

The sort of thing I was getting at there would, for example be, if Nelson was available at a sensible fee, say £100/125k, the sell of Doherty & Anyinsah may pave the way.The fact he hasn't moved indicates to me that his agent is either being greedy or just playing the waiting game until he's out of contract at the end of the season.

Also, I rate Cotterill on the wing. I'd be more than happy to see him competing with SM on the right side, because he's going to be hard pushed to get into the front line, and I find him very effective on the right, He may not be the fastest, but he terrifies defenders by running at them and he's got a decent cross on him.

Agree about Cotterill.For me he's in front of SM in the right wing pecking order.I just hope Tins doesn't play him on the left if Smith's out.

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