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The Squad So Far

Bristol Boy

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Current Squad










IF:Stewart/ Lita/Cotterill/Gillespie.

So. Looking at 4-4-2 and picking two full teams.

........................................... PHILLIPS.............................................................



Smith J...........................Fortune............. Signing...................Woodman





That still leaves






The type of players,the fact that Tins will be under pressure to play Stewart, Brooker and Lita, Anyinsahs' move, plus the competition created by a new centre half and the need to tighten up, particularly away, will see us move to 3-4-1-2 or 3-5-2 even if we don't start out like that day one.

The fact that Stewarts left sided could also see him play closer to the left flank in a three of four man midfield, particularly if Smith's out.

I still can't fathom out why we resigned Jamie Smith with four other possible right backs dunno.gif

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The reason we signed Smith is that

he the best r/b at the club (imo)

IMHO Carey's by far the best right back and, for reliability and height, I'd go for Coles in ftront of Smith.

He's not a bad player now he's calmed down and stopped behaving like a lunatic, but with the other four right backs, I 'd rather strengthen elsewhere.

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We probably resigned Jamie Smith because when Tinnion had his "night of the long knives" after the Chesterfield defeat, Smith was one of very few experienced pros we had then that he felt he could actually rely upon.

The resigning of Carey has, in my opinon, made him if not exactly a luxury, then a back up player for next season, but I think that Tinnion didn't want to go back on his word to him about giving him another year.

Still can't fathom why with Stewart, Brooker and Lita already competing for two places up front and Gillespie and Cotterill who could play there as well in the unlikely event of two of those being out, that we need another striker, who will only ever make the bench at best.

Todays Sunday Independent says Coughlan's move to us will be resolved one way or the other tomorrow, and we still badly need a no.2 keeper, but to me I'd rather have a second left footed midfielder with some pace who could play wide left after that.

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