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If Leroy Goes


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With Reading now confirmed as interested in Leroy we face the real prospect that he will not be wearing a red shirt come August 6th. This would leave us with a first choice strike force of Brooker & Stewart with Cotterill & Gillespie on the bench.

Is this strikeforce good enough to get us 50+ goals that would see us cement an automatic promotion spot or do we need to strengthen. If so who do we go for. My guess would be that the majority of the funds received from the sale of Lita would go towards reducing the clubs debt.

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Well, we've got a ready made replacement in Paul Heffernan...

oops, sorry!!

Or how about that Lee Miller, he was never really given a proper run in the team...

Oops we flogged him off too didnt we?

If we sell Lita, I will be very angry with the board not just because we've got rid of a 25 goal a season striker but because we havent prepared ourself for his loss by keeping Heff or Miller. And lets face it, Litas leaving has pretty much been inevitable after his performance in England Under 21s and our failure to win promotion for the umpteenth time.

How many other clubs could sell three proven goalscorers over a summer and still hope to be in a position to challenge for promotion?

Thankfully, I think our young strikers Gillespie and Cotterill are both good enough to play regular first team football alongside Stewart and/or Brooker but they are hardly the sort of player to get us promoted. You don't win anything with kids as they say...

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Well, we've got a ready made replacement in Paul Heffernan...

oops, sorry!!

Or how about that Lee Miller, he was never really given a proper run in the team...

Oops we flogged him off too didnt we?

If we sell Lita, I will be very angry with the board not just because we've got rid of a 25 goal a season striker but because we havent prepared ourself for his loss - Something which was inevitable after his performance in England Under 21s.

How many other clubs could sell three proven goalscorers over a summer and still hope to be in a position to challenge for promotion?

Thankfully, I think our young strikers Gillespie and Cotterill are both good enough to play regular first team football alongside Stewart and/or Brooker but they are hardly the sort of player to get us promoted. You don't win anything with kids as they say...

Heff sale was right at the time as it looked certain Leroy would stay. Could be a mistake now- even though he would still be 3rd choice. As for Miller, he was given a run under Wilson and didn't look great and obviosuly felt happier in Scotland.

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Is it confirmed on the website?

EP reckons so, but i'll take that with a bag of salt.

Steve L still say's he's not for sale and rightly so, but as we all know everyone has there price, me rekons Lita's is about 1.5m - 2m

I hate the thought of Lita going, i'm still not convinced he is at all, but if he did then i would want another a known quantity up front.

I'm 80% sure Lita will stay though, so i'm not that worried tbh snack.gif

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EP reckons so, but i'll take that with a bag of salt.

Steve L still say's he's not for sale and rightly so, but as we all know everyone has there price, me rekons Lita's is about 1.5m - 2m

I hate the thought of Lita going, i'm still not convinced he is at all, but if he did then i would want another a known quantity up front.

I'm 80% sure Lita will stay though, so i'm not that worried tbh  snack.gif

Evocare, surely you are worried by all these sauces saying he is going!?! 1.5m would be amazing- can't see it being that much.

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I'm 80% sure Lita will stay though, so i'm not that worried tbh  snack.gif

i don't get worried by it at all..i think he's saying...but i become hugely worried when i come on here and read links and what people's "source" have said.

damn otib ranting.gif

keep postin though smile.gif

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If Lita goes we would be looking at most of the money going to reduce debt. However, the board would also surely realise that to appease the fans, some of this money must be spent on a replacement.

My bet would be that Jon Parkin from Macclesfield would be the first to join, as a back-up for Brooker, closely followed by someone like Nathan Tyson from Wycombe, or Scott Taylor from Plymouth.

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I hope we go for either Eugine Dadi or Ian Hume.

someone just watched the play-offs games didnt they blink.gif

as said in an earlier post...jon parkin would be an excellent signing as back up for brooker but i wouild expect maccelsfield would want about 400k for him

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Well, we've got a ready made replacement in Paul Heffernan...

oops, sorry!!

Or how about that Lee Miller, he was never really given a proper run in the team...

Oops we flogged him off too didnt we?

If we sell Lita, I will be very angry with the board not just because we've got rid of a 25 goal a season striker but because we havent prepared ourself for his loss by keeping Heff or Miller. And lets face it, Litas leaving has pretty much been inevitable after his performance in England Under 21s and our failure to win promotion for the umpteenth time.

How many other clubs could sell three proven goalscorers over a summer and still hope to be in a position to challenge for promotion?

Thankfully, I think our young strikers Gillespie and Cotterill are both good enough to play regular first team football alongside Stewart and/or Brooker but they are hardly the sort of player to get us promoted. You don't win anything with kids as they say...

Nottingham Forest under the great late Clough. whistling.gif

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Am I being dense here?

If Leroy is in (alleged) talks with Reading, then a fee must have been agreed, as an under contract player cannot talk to any other club withgout a fee being agreed with that club. Who's lying, lansdown or Reading?

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Am I being dense here?

If Leroy is in (alleged) talks with Reading, then a fee must have been agreed, as an under contract player cannot talk to any other club withgout a fee being agreed with that club. Who's lying, lansdown or Reading?

SL is in talks with Reading about a fee for LL.

LL isn't in talks with Reading yet as they have not come up with the bucks yet.


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Guest roejowland
I think our young strikers Gillespie and Cotterill are both good enough to play regular first team football alongside Stewart and/or Brooker but they are hardly the sort of player to get us promoted. You don't win anything with kids as they say...

i don't think that luton, plymouth or hull had an amazin strikeforce yet they all got promoted.

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Think Hull a decent striker, can't remember his name though, but you're right about Plymouth.

Played most games in this division with just Mickey Evans up front.

What they did have though, was Marino Keith, a player who shot at goal whenever he got a glimpse of the net.

This is something I think we've been missing for a long time, as I always say, "if you don't shoot, you don't score!"

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With Reading now confirmed as interested in Leroy we face the real prospect that he will not be wearing a red shirt come August 6th. This would leave us with a first choice strike force of Brooker & Stewart with Cotterill & Gillespie on the bench.

Is this strikeforce good enough to get us 50+ goals that would see us cement an automatic promotion spot or do we need to strengthen. If so who do we go for. My guess would be that the majority of the funds received from the sale of Lita would go towards reducing the clubs debt.

marcus stewart will replace lita, lets not rely on one man as we have to look for

goals from midfield and set pieces (which we have not done in the past).

bringing in 2 big center halfs will help this (at corners)

and we have 2 creative midfielders to add to wilkshire, the midfield need to score more goals than we have done.

brooker and stewart will be fine upfront, not nice lita going but we may as well get used to it as a strong possibility.

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" If Leroy Goes, Who replaces him?? "

Stewart, Gillespie & Cotterill............ and the £1M is split between £200-400K for new signings ( keeper, winger, target man), the rest to pay off some of the debts.

Of course, until he puts pen to paper for another club, there is no windfall and he starts on Aug 6th.

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Evocare, surely you are worried by all these sauces saying he is going!?! 1.5m would be amazing- can't see it being that much.

I could be setting myself up for a fall here with my blind optimism, but i still think he will start up front with Stewart vs Donny.

I have faith he will sign a contract ensuring the club, no matter what happens next season will not dip out in what could be the our biggest transfer ever.

I praying smiley.gif Steve with come up trumps at get him to sign, but if Lita wants to go and has made it clear he won't sign a new contract we should listen to offers of 1.1m

Having said that I would rather have Leroy for 3 more season than even 3m, anyday, but unfortunatly we just cant ignore he only has a year left, really tough decision, i hope the Club and Leroy make the right one..

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