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Leroy Please Stay


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Leroy stay with us please,with you we have a great chance of winning promotion and on from there,you know all the fans luv you and have given you 100% support.


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Leroy,i love you, please,don't do it,i cant go on anymore,we all love you,stay with us one more season and get us out of this stinking league. Sorry, a bit over the top there. PLEASE STAY city.gif

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Wheres the bloody Loyalty you muppet, which team was it who believed in you and gave you a chance.

Get back in our boardroom, down on your knees and beg the board for a new contract. Or I hope you break your leg!


(sorry to be so mean but he has really peed me off!)

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Someone start a proper petition.

We should show Leroy that we want him to stay just as much as Brum didn't want Lee Bowyer. If he gets wind of it it might be just the incentive that he needs.

Leroy, we love you man. Reading is a sideways move, stay with us this year and get us back up with them. Please.

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Guest Royal Ian
Someone start a proper petition.

We should show Leroy that we want him to stay just as much as Brum didn't want Lee Bowyer. If he gets wind of it it might be just the incentive that he needs.

Leroy, we love you man. Reading is a sideways move, stay with us this year and get us back up with them. Please.

No it's not and deep down you know it.

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I hope he makes me eat my words but it seems there is so little loyalty in football. What goes around comes around so we'll see what happens.

Didn't someone paint a message for Akin-buy-me on the rocks on the Avon gorge, that didn't persuade him to say so what will persuade Lita to think again?

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Reading is a sideways move.

They aren't going to get promoted to the Premiership, nor are we. I'm also convinced that come next season we'll get promoted.

Akinbiyi was going to a big club like Wolves for £3.5m, Reading are around our level anyways and the fee will be a pittance, hence the fact that the fee is "undisclosed."

At least its something. It affected Lee Bowyer.

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Wheres the bloody Loyalty you muppet, which team was it who believed in you and gave you a chance.

Get back in our boardroom, down on your knees and beg the board for a new contract. Or I hope you break your leg!


(sorry to be so mean but he has really peed me off!)

I`ll second that, still we plucked a certain Mr Cole out of the Arsenal reserves same again looks like;

One more thing to say LEROY; THERES ONLY ONE BRISTOL CITY city.gifcity.gifcity.gif C.T.I.D (Or until someone gives me some more money) NO-ONE will buy my loyalty city.gifcity.gifcity.gif

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Jesus Christ. Get a reality check. Reading are a bigger club than us.


Because they are playing in a higher division.

History has nothing to do with it in a case like this - Leroy is going to a club that will challenge for the playoffs in the Championship and to a club where he can improve his international prospects. As well as that there's the chance to play with better players and I'm sure he'd be financially rewarded far more handsomely than he would be at City.

It's bad news for us, I know, and I feel your pain too. But part of the reason for the reactions of City fans on this board this evening is the ignorant notion that we are on the same level as Reading. Compare their top 10 finishes in the Championship since 2002 with our abject failure to get out of an average League One.

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I'm not going to grovel. All i can say is Tinman gave you a chance, before Tinman you were sat in the reserves or on the bench , You have been given a chance and admittedly you did shine but don't stab us in the back by thinking you are better than this club just becuase you have had one good season, because belive me mate one season does not make you a star

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