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Time For Gillespie?


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I'm as gutted as most of the rest of you are about Leroy's probable exit from AG. But if he does go we got to look forward and hope one of our other young guns bursts onto the scene. Steven Gillespie knows how to find the back of the net as he has shown in the reserves and up at Cheltenam Dave Cottrill has potential he's got pace and skill. In an ideal world we should have our top goalscorer next season but it don't look likely so we need to look at these youngsters who knows one of them may outshine Leroy!

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Guest C.T.I.D
Give the young gun a chance,

but come on brooker and stewart up front? sounds good to me!

Can't remember which game now but it was Lita banghead.gif /Stewart up front and gillespie behind causing all sorts of problems with his pace,give him a go

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Give the young gun a chance,

but come on brooker and stewart up front? sounds good to me!

The thought of Stewart and Brooker sounds good to me as well, but with all the doom and gloom with lita we have got to remember we have other players who have been in his situation ie not getting a game who knows they aren't better prospects until they get the chance?

But as a foot note to the board if they score more then 5 goals in 20 game give them a new contract!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest RedwardsV1

Gillespie will be the man this season, the actual people on here who pay attention to me will both know that i am a big fan of steve...

can't wait for his time to shine

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To be honest i think Stewart and Brooker up top with Cotteril playing in the hole behind them would be a better bet than Gillespie there.

Can't say i'm bothered though as Gillespie would do well there, as he is quick. And it also means that you have two fairly big men up front, who are both solid in the air, with a quick man behind them.

In a wierd way i'd back a strike force with those two up front with Gillespie or Cotteril in the hole to be better than Lita, Brooker and Stewart. Not because i think Gilliespie or Cotteril are better than Lita but because we'd actually have some pace in our front line, and you'd also get the unknown factor effect that Lita benifited greatly from when it comes to Gillespie and Cotterill. And the fact that nobody would really be out of position as Gillespie is more of a forward than out and out striker, and Cotterill is a Attacking midfielder more than an out and out striker while Lita is an out-and-out striker.

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Gillespie turns 21 this coming season, about ready to shine. IMO Stewart, Brooker, Cotterill, and Gillespie will get the job done. Gilly has a good touch around the box, and can create as much as score goals. In that regard he is better than Leroy who is purely a striker.

Get the job done Gilly, you deserve a chance.

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Gillespie will be the man this season, the actual people on here who pay attention to me will both know that i am a big fan of steve...

can't wait for his time to shine

I've always liked him (he looks like Stevie Gerrard!) so I hope so... I think he's a different sort of player to Leroy though...

I think he and Cotterill can fight for a place as utitilty man up front (on either wing or in the hole) but I don't think either of them are really adequate backup for Stewart or Brooker...

I wish we'd signed Akinfewa (sp) now...

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