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We Are Lacking Ambition Yet Again

Guest The Groundwell Cider Red

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Guest The Groundwell Cider Red

yeah sure we could get £1 million for the boy wonder but wouldnt it be wiser to gamble on this season and keep him? with him and marcus the converted we have a fantastic strikeforce full of pace and influence... again the board are making wrong decisions like they did last year with the hastily appointment of tinman. I just think now we have the strongest team in the league and we can build a good campaign possibly with automatic promotion. We got rid of the deadwood and unhappy players, hopefully lita will stay and sign a new contract with us since he loves the club like he keeps saying. But i hold lansdown and the board responsible for lacking ambition doh.gif

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After NOT, I repeat NOT having a good nights sleep I think it will not be the end of the world if LL goes as long as he is replaced with another quality striker (Boyd could fit the bill I suppose) but if he isn't there is not enough pace in the team and we will not be top 2 come May 2006. I hope the people who negotiated with Reading FC acted in BCFCs best interests and not LLs as any replacement WILL cost decent money either on a transfer fee or wages (ala Stewart), there are NO excuses now as we have brought alot of money in over the summer from player sales/saved wages and although we need to reduce our debt there is a balance and at the moment it is leaning heavily towards financial security rather than giving us a realistic chance of promotion.


P.s. I know Dave Cotterill has pace and could be LL replacement but think about it do we really want Scott Murray in the RW slot come Aug 6th (unless he can reproduce his pre-Reading form).

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