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Reading Offer Will Flush Out The Bidders

Bristol Boy

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Anyone who's genuinely interested in LL will be on the phone to SL or his agent today and that could work in our favour, just like it worked against us when we advertised the fact that we were signing Coughlan.

If LL stays, he should sign a 3/4 year contract and put an end to this nonsense and I for one won't believe any of this, "Tins is a great bloke and I'm very happy stuff," until he does. mad.gif

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I don't think it is just a case of money talks.

At the end of the day Leroys is now on the fringes of the England U-21 squad where he can play for another couple of years to get good exposure and experience. Fact is he ain't going to become a regular in that side while he plays for us in League 1.

One quite telling moment in this sage I think happened months ago right at the beginning of June when Leroy wasn't selected for the squad by Peter Taylor to go to the Toulon Tournament - I remember posting it at the time but largely it passed without comment on here.

If you look at the squad that did go there it was hardly full of household names from the U21's (toulon is an U20 tournament by the way) and it was odd that he didn't go but the message was fairly clear - in League 1 you will not get the exposure needed to play internationally. He will get that at Reading and in the long term he sees it as being far more beneficial to his career.

Leroy has always come across to me as very confident and focussed young man who simply wants to get to the very highest level his ability will take him - perhaps if some of other young players had shown that kind of attitude we wouldn't still be here and Leroy wouldn't be going.

It obviously goes without saying he'll get more money at Reading but give the kid a break - Clayton stayed cause he felt it would be better for him - Leroy is going for the same reason.

Sad but true and for one I wish him well.

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If I was SL I would contact premiership clubs regarding LL and HOPEFULLY get a bidding war as the Reading deal is not good for BCFC only for certain people, LL and his agent.


I see what you mean but isn't it a bit difficult to get a bidding war going when we have already accepted an offer? The other clubs will just offer what they think Reading offered and get their similar offers accepted

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If a premiership team came in with the same bid as Reading and BCFC turned it down as they are entitled to do, then if the premiership team really wanted LL and came back with a higher bid than Reading and it was accepted where do you think he would go, premiership of course and so BCFC get a higher fee simple really.


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Guest BeNeRz

End of day right, we have offered what we can to keep him at the club, theres not alot of point in us goin over budget to keep him and put the club into trouble!

Its up to leroy where he goes and we cant do anything about it, let him do what he wants, if hes loyal he will stay because he owes us it.

but if he wants to leave reading is a bad move.

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