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Guest MaloneFM


I am on pedant duty today. My first sighting.

Its not from the 'man himself'.

Its from your mate.

Who spoke to Colesy.

Who spoke to Lita.

So I suggest a change to...'HOT NEWS FROM MY MATE WHO SPOKE to Colesy...who spoke to LITA!'

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Guest MaloneFM

No Colesy wants to stay but the Temptations are making him go.

Colesy was a rolling stone...wherever he laid his hat was his home....etc

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Let him go - let's get another Heywood type in.  As I've said elsewhere, Coles is a lightweight and the major cause of our inability to defend set pieces.

Heywood should alleviate that a bit, but another big ball winning defender would be ideal - if we can get one.

Yeah and the man who cost us a penalty in the play off final. Which cost us a championship place, Which cost us a manager and now cost us our 'STAR' striker.

Colsey has alott to answer for AND owes us a massive debt.

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