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Wide Players


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As talk continues to centre around the imminent departure of Leroy Lita and our failure to snap up Graham Coughlan at centre half, I think the lack of a natural wide player continues to be the main concern for myself.

At centre half and upfront we have plenty of options and however good or bad we consider those options, we still look most sparse in wide areas (a position we have struggled in on both left and right since Murray's departure to Reading).

Tinnion's faith on the left side seems to lie with Grant Smith, who, by his own admission, is more at home playing in the middle. On the right side, Brian's hopes seem to be pinned on Scott Murray and Dave Cotterill. It's the opinion of many that Scott is no longer the player he once was by a long stretch, and on the evidence of his form for most of last season, it's difficult to argue with this. Meanwhile, I feel it would be unfair to pin hopes upon Dave Cotterill to provide the pace and energy down the right, as his best position is either in the whole or upfront; and playing young players consistently out of position can be a recipe for disaster.

Very few teams play with two wingers, and I'm sure either Wilkshire or Smith can hold that left flank together and show us their passing ability in coming in-field and linking the play. However, if we fail to fill the apparent void on the right with a long term solution (and one whose natural position is on the right, and can deliver an end product from wide), we could find ourselves becoming too narrow, and inevitably, one dimensional.

At this stage, we can only hope the friendlies will give us a good indication of what to expect.

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