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Danny Coles

Bristol Boy

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That if he doesn't sign a new contract soon, we MUST take the £200k.

Let's be honest, we'd have bitten their arm off, after he was listed last year.

That cash, along with some of the LL & all of the Heff money, will buy the 3/4 players we now need........and very likely better ones than we could have afforded a week ago!

What we don't want is DC to disappear a week or so before the season starts, without a replacement.

As clubs are "stealing," our best talent, it's time for us to pass that on if we fancy a player at our level or at a higher club that's struggling financially.

Just a case of Kill or be Killed, I'm afraid.

Sad, but true.

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That if he doesn't sign a new contract soon, we MUST take the £200k.

Let's be honest, we'd have bitten their arm off, after he was listed last year.

That cash, along with some of the LL & all of the Heff money, will buy the 3/4 players we now need........and very likely better ones than we could have afforded a week ago!

What we don't want is DC to disappear a week or so before the season starts, without a replacement.

As clubs are "stealing," our best talent, it's time for us to pass that on if we fancy  a player at our level or at a higher club that's struggling financially.

Just a case of Kill or be Killed, I'm afraid.

Sad, but true.

But do we really want a virtually new team to all be gelling together ? As things stand we will have half a first team trying to settle in - too many new faces at once isn't a good thing , we need to keep at least some of the nucleus of last season intact ?

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Guest BeNeRz
But do we really want a virtually new team to all be gelling together ?  As things stand we will have half a first team trying to settle in - too many new faces at once isn't a good thing , we need to keep at least some of the nucleus of last season intact ?

exactly! we need only a few new signings or were back to square 1 all over again!

IF lita goes and so does coles, it will be a complete end of last seasons team!

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IF lita goes and so does coles, it will be a complete end of last seasons team!

Well they failed so maybe it wont be that bad a thing, except i can't see where we are going to get any better players than those two, otherwise reading , baaahhhddifff and hull would be after them!!!!

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But do we really want a virtually new team to all be gelling together ?  As things stand we will have half a first team trying to settle in - too many new faces at once isn't a good thing , we need to keep at least some of the nucleus of last season intact ?

If HE wants to leave that's unavoidable.

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exactly! we need only a few new signings or were back to square 1 all over again!

IF lita goes and so does coles, it will be a complete end of last seasons team!

My point is, the choice we have is simple:

a.Sell Coles now for £200k.

b.He walks for nothing at the end of the season.

c.He walks for next to nothing half way through the season.

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My point is, the choice we have is simple:

a.Sell Coles now for £200k.

b.He walks for nothing at the end of the season.

c.He walks for next to nothing half way through the season.

I agree, if we can get the fee up to £250k then why not sell now and have time to get someone else in to replace him who will be under contract for at least 2 seasons?

Coles clearly isn't going to sign a deal whatever happens, I hope the board don't think that because Lita has gone that they should hold on to Coles until his contract expires, the same principle applies, if he won't sign we should sell him and replace him now.

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200-250K for Coles.......Why ? He was made available half way through last season, his good games are few, and he is less valuable than Heffs or Hill. IMO he is a legend in his own lunchtime, and just average for the division we are in.

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My only fear that if DC is sold that we won't see a replacement come in - unless its a free signing.

I cannot believe for one minute that we could operate next season with only one recognised specialist centre back, Heywood!

Fortune, Carey and Skuse can play there but they're not ideal

If DC stays we need 1 new centre back, if he goes we need two...buy,free signing or loan, whatever

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