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OK, I've read many posts over the past few days that have described Leroy Lita as a Judas. My question being, how do these people reach this conclusion? My understanding of a Judas is someone "who betrays another under the guise of friendship." [www.dictionary.com].

So, how exactly has Leroy betrayed us? He's simply looking to further his career, and we've got £1M in the process. Please, someone explain this to me? dunno.gif

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Couldnt agree more. I know if i got offered a better job with better prospects in a 15 year career i would jump at the chance. Can anybody say different?

Leroy cost us nothing, and made a club with large debts £1,000,000. He gave his all when he played for us, so best of luck Leroy, i wish you all the best in the future, just don't be scoring past us next season when were in the championship!!

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I would observe that many suppoters are unhappy at the fact that after Tinnion has had the faith and commitment towards LL by playing him right from the beginning of last season which has given him the platform to display his ability and pick up a massive monetary reward, it would have been a reciprocal gesture by LL to have repaid him by giving Tinnion and the Ashton Gate fans another season to get us promoted. But in this business money comes before loyalty, LL is only 20 he could have easily stayed for a another season and moved on to a much better side than Reading, even Tinnion is quoted as saying he could do a lot better than a side which will do well to finish top ten next season. Some might call this an act of betrayal, it depends on your perspective.

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