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Pure and simply this deal makes good for all involved.

We have just sold a player who had one year left on his contract and was clearly not interested in renewing next summer. We have received one million English pounds which is a hell of alot of money for a club at our level. Not only this but we have negotiated a 'hefty' sell on clause that ensures we gain a slice of the preverbial pie if/when he moves on in the future.

Reading have acquired a very talented young striker who will score them goals next season - certainly not 29, presumably not 20, probably 10-12. But score he will and develop he shall.

And Lita himself can test himself at a higher level, develop by playing with and against players of greater ability (better players in general - obviously Stewart could have taught him much.)

Personally {all things being considered} I'm happy he has left. We have seen players leave for tribunal decided fee's or even for free in the not to distant past - Aaron Brown, Liam Rosenior and Tommy Doherty all spring to mind as examples of players who have left cheaply when once they would have commanded a handsome fee.

Sure i'd of loved to see Leroy lining up next to Stewart and forming one of the best strike partnerships outside of the top flight, but this deal was the right one for all concerned. The Brooker/Stewart pairing should prove more than adequate in scoring the goals we need for a genuine promotion challenge.

I wouldnt hold you're breath waiting for some major £500,000 signing to emerge in the next few weeks, i imagine this money will contribute almost entirely to aiding the clubs 'day to day running'. I would guess that the club are now actively pursuing another striking option, as they were after Akinfenwa while Lita was here it only makes sense they are still on the look-out - whether his signing was with a view of coverng Lita or replacing him.

On a different subject i feel i should raise my slight concerns with the comments made by Mr Tinnion on the bcfc website. Pointing out on the recent loss of Lita and the missing out of Coughlan he says;

"A week ago i was hoping that Coughlan would be a leader in our back four and Leroy would be competing for a place up front. As it is, we have to do without both players."

Am i the only one slightly concerned with this apparent negative attitude - sure these two players in our squad would have been a great help but lets be fair, the writing was on the wall in regards to Lita leaving and we have still improoved our back line with the capture of Heywood. Perhaps i am reading these comments out of context, it just seems to me that the eventualities of both situations are disappointing - which goes without saying. Commenting on their loss in such a way worries that the potential excuses may already be being made.

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