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Tinnion's Comments On...shhh, You Know Who


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This isn't a post about "shhh, you know who" but about Tinnion's comments on he who must not be named.

Tinnion told "shhh, you know who" that he could do better than Reading. He also hoped he who must not be named would fail his medical and so remain with us.

All of this may be true but surely Tinnion should be showing a bit more tact and decorum?

Perhaps anyone who knows Tinnion can tell me if he is as "forthright" or "dumb" as he sometimes comes across? From his media interviews he always seems bright and switched on but he also can shoot from the hip.

I wonder if this attitude is conducive to a happy dressing room.

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The man is not beating about the bush as he is clearly not happy about what has happened

Change the darn subject or add it to one of the other zillion threads

Stop opening new ones!


I don't believe the majority of us signed up to this forum in order to receive more nagging shutup.gif

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The man is not beating about the bush as he is clearly not happy about what has happened

Change the darn subject or add it to one of the other zillion threads

Stop opening new ones!


It's a general question about Tinnion. I haven't read the zillion threads about thingummy.

As a woman who speaks her mind, are you happy that Tinnion does the same? I think he could profit from a little bit of diplomacy.

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I don't believe the majority of us signed up to this forum in order to receive more nagging  shutup.gif

And I didnt sign up to have to wade through pages of the same subject.

I think Tinnion should speak his mind, if he is not happy about decisions out of his control then he should be able to say so, instead of just being Steve Lansdowns pet.

But anyway, it was out of the hands of both of them, they had offered to double his wages and he still wanted to go, so it was obviously not about the money.


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