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Transfer Kitty


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Joking aside, another item on the Official Site says that BT is looking for 4 players, but "doesn't expect to be able to pay transfer fees."

Something here does't add up. Messages from the Chairman indicate quite clearly that selling Lita wasn't in their plans to build a squad for the new season. So one assumes that budgets to run the club have been constructed without £1M sitting in the bank, and with a wage bill that included Lita's cost - with a contingency to meet double the wage if he signed the new contract.

Personally I think selling Lita was a good piece of business. But to think that none of the windfall is to be invested in fees to bring in the player or two that could really strengthen the squad is deeply disappointing. If the club were preparing to manage without the £1M, failure to re-invest even a penny of it in fees will serve only to re-kindle some rather unkind thoughts I have long harboured about the effects of accountant-led decision making on the ultimate health of businesses.

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Guest C.T.I.D
Joking aside, another item on the Official Site says that BT is looking for 4 players, but "doesn't expect to be able to pay transfer fees."

Something here does't add up.  Messages from the Chairman indicate quite clearly that selling Lita wasn't in their plans to build a squad for the new season.  So one assumes that budgets to run the club have been constructed without £1M sitting in the bank, and with a wage bill that included Lita's cost - with a contingency to meet double the wage if he signed the new contract.

Personally I think selling Lita was a good piece of business.  But to think that none of the windfall is to be invested in fees to bring in the player or two that could really strengthen the squad is deeply disappointing.  If the club were preparing to manage without the £1M, failure to re-invest even a penny of it in fees will serve only to re-kindle some rather unkind thoughts I have long harboured about the effects of accountant-led decision making on the ultimate health of businesses.

and not forgetting the other sales of around £650k dance.gif

spend spend spend.......only way to get out dance.gif

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Joking aside, another item on the Official Site says that BT is looking for 4 players, but "doesn't expect to be able to pay transfer fees."

Something here does't add up.  Messages from the Chairman indicate quite clearly that selling Lita wasn't in their plans to build a squad for the new season.  So one assumes that budgets to run the club have been constructed without £1M sitting in the bank, and with a wage bill that included Lita's cost - with a contingency to meet double the wage if he signed the new contract.

Personally I think selling Lita was a good piece of business.  But to think that none of the windfall is to be invested in fees to bring in the player or two that could really strengthen the squad is deeply disappointing.  If the club were preparing to manage without the £1M, failure to re-invest even a penny of it in fees will serve only to re-kindle some rather unkind thoughts I have long harboured about the effects of accountant-led decision making on the ultimate health of businesses.

I have been posting almost a replica of this for the last couple of days.

I have been assured by fellow posters that it's a bit of a smokescreen and that the club don't want to alert potential selling clubs to our transfer kitty....I'm not in any way convinced by that though.

As you say, if none of this "bonus" money is made available, serious questions should be asked.

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As you say, if none of this "bonus" money is made available, serious questions should be asked.

It's not 'bonus' money. If you insist on seeing it as such, then it merely helps level up the 'bonus' money the board has released to pay for players over the past couple of years that hasn't been recouped by sales.

I say bank it all, and make Tinman plug the odd gap with loans and Bosmans.

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It's not 'bonus' money. If you insist on seeing it as such, then it merely helps level up the 'bonus' money the board has released to pay for players over the past couple of years that hasn't been recouped by sales.

I say bank it all, and make Tinman plug the odd gap with loans and Bosmans.

I for one, will be very selective as to which matches I attend unless I see some re-investment of our transfer income. I would have thought that a figure of £300-350.000 would be be a reasonable figure, which is approx 20% of our intake on fees. That still allows the club to bank a fair wad. It is only fair to season ticket holders who have paid out on the basis of seeing a promotion push.

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It's not 'bonus' money. If you insist on seeing it as such, then it merely helps level up the 'bonus' money the board has released to pay for players over the past couple of years that hasn't been recouped by sales.

I say bank it all, and make Tinman plug the odd gap with loans and Bosmans.

Of course it's bonus money, the club stated that they didn't want/need to sell Leroy, so they would have budgeted with that in mind.

If Leroy had signed a contract (as the club expected) the club wouldn't have received any income.

All I am suggesting is that we should use a small part of this bonus cash and re-invest it. I am hardly saying we should plunge ourselves into millions more debt. We still require FOUR players!

Are you suggesting we just sign whoevers left on the market as long as they're free? Tinman has already utilised the free transfer system to good effect imo I think he deserves the chance to bring in his own players, you are intimating he should deal with his hands tied!

I bet you'd be one of the first on Tinnions back if it went pear-shaped.

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A few seasons ago we scoffed and pointed at geoff Dunford as he cleaned out the gas tank (see what I did there) selling player after player and not re-investing

yet here we are clearing out players ourselves, and collecting a sizable amount along the way and lo, nothing spent on incoming players (as Tinnion himself says)

We can laugh nervously now, but look where this policy landed the Gas!

we really must re-invest a decent proportion on good players to avoid the slow sinking decline that will follow unless we're bloody lucky.


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we really must re-invest a decent proportion on good players to avoid the slow sinking decline that will follow unless we're bloody lucky.


We HAVE invested. Where do you think Lita came from? Do you think the Academy costs nothing? Meanwhile we've paid fees for players like Brooker. It's a fluid thing. I don't hear fans demanding we sell someone for a fee each time we pay a transfer fee. Yet every time we sell, there's a demand that we spend that money too. And then people complain when they see our financial figures each year.

You can't have it all. Sometimes you have to be more realistic.

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We HAVE invested. Where do you think Lita came from? Do you think the Academy costs nothing? Meanwhile we've paid fees for players like Brooker. It's a fluid thing. I don't hear fans demanding we sell someone for a fee each time we pay a transfer fee. Yet every time we sell, there's a demand that we spend that money too. And then people complain when they see our financial figures each year.

You can't have it all. Sometimes you have to be more realistic.

Realistically the best of the free transfers and Bosman's have already been snapped up - one or two by City fortunately.

But the exodus has been so great, not just this Summer, but ongoing since the Millennium debacle that we're now looking decidedly threadbare.

If you think we have lost Lita, Amankwaah, Goodfellow, Aaron Brown, Anyinsah & Roberts that's a tremendous loss of pacey players who we simply haven't got replacements for.

We desperately need a couple of quick players as well as a dominating centre half and i don't imagine the quality is still there amongst the freebies.

In theory i would have largely agreed with you before the Lita sale. Now i think Tins needs a bit of help finance wise in order to get players that will make a difference.

If the Directors release just 3-400k. for the right 3 players, surely everybody can be happy, including the Board.

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Tinman made some of the best signings - on paper - the club has made for a while at the end of last season, when he knew he had no money. It's a good discipline to work to. Let him carry on in that vein, I say .... and if he absolutely has to have a hundred grand or 2 to clinch the player he really needs (hopefully a centre half in the Shaun Taylor mould), then if SL is convinced that he has really exhausted every single free transfer possibility, I'm sure he'll release the funds. In the meantime, we should act poor and work on the basis of having no money.

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Realistically the best of the free transfers and Bosman's have already been snapped up - one or two by City fortunately.

But the exodus has been so great, not just this Summer, but ongoing since the Millennium debacle that we're now looking decidedly threadbare.

If you think we have lost Lita, Amankwaah, Goodfellow, Aaron Brown, Anyinsah & Roberts that's a tremendous loss of pacey players who we simply haven't got replacements for.

We desperately need a couple of quick players as well as a dominating centre half and i don't imagine the quality is still there amongst the freebies.

In theory i would have largely agreed with you before the Lita sale. Now i think Tins needs a bit of help finance wise in order to get players that will make a difference.

If the Directors release just 3-400k. for the right 3 players, surely everybody can be happy, including the Board.

Wow - thats hitting the nail on the head - I think I agree with everything thats been written in this !

Getting Marcus Stewart was a huge piece of luck, but we're not going to get that lucky again.

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It probably makes financial sense, but let's face it, if we want to get out of this division, we have to invest and take a few risks. You could argue that the risks were taken under DW, but ultimately, they didn't pay off and we are now suffering as a result. There doesn't seem to be too much of a plan right now though other than to steady the ship and try and edge our way into promotion. Meanwhile, attendances drop and so does general interest in the team from what should be the local fanbase.

What we need is someone with no financial sense and a cavalier regard for their long-term fiscal well-being in charge of this club. Or a true fan.

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I'm not so sure that Tinnion should be encouraged to go out and spend the money from lita hastily. To me he seems to have done better attracting in players he hasn't paid a fee for.

Last season he seemed to go cheque book happy and want to spend spend spend. We seemed to be linked with everbody! We were lucky to get our money back for Heffernan. Brooker seems a decent bit of business even though I wasn't fully convinced he was the right player for us at the time. I can't believe that we didn't loose out financially with the Dinning fiasco.

Our squad looks a bit thin on the ground and time is ticking down to the transfer deadline so I don't want Tinnion to panic buy. I'm hoping that when the window opens again that will be the time to spend if needed? I wonder how many transfers will happen, how many players will jump ship from or to us???

Of course the way our season is going will be obvious by then. It could work in our favour having a smaller squad, all working for eachother, not a whole bunch of players not even making the bench and getting restless and disillusioned creating a divide.

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