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Health Advice For Those Going To The Derby

Guest WillsbridgeRed

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

1) Please ensure you contact your GP a few days before travelling to ensure your tetanus shots are up to date. The home office also advices when travelling to backward 3rd world places that Malaria shots are also needed.

2) WEAR SUN GLASSES. As the match will kick off during daylight hours, please wear sun glasses to prevent eye damage following yet another hoofed ball from the Rovers defence. You don't want to follow the ball straight into the glare of the sun!

3) Neck exercise. While the players warm up, please do the same with some basic neck exercises. You do not want to risk neck strain due to having to look up so often as a Rovers donkey aims the ball toward mars.

Hope this helps

I shall supply home office guidance regarding travel tips to 3rd world places next friday!

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