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Cant See The Point

Red Robin

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To me it seems crazy to have such a volatile game so close to the seasons start.

Imagine one or two important players getting injured befoe the real stuff starts.

We could jepordise the seasons start.

Imagine stewy getting injured by a over zealous tackle from a rovers players.

It seems crazy to be playing them so close to the seasons start.

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Guest benny

Imagine stewart wops in 4 or 5 goals !!!

confidence skyyyyyy highhhhhh

can u really see them getting close enuff to us to even get in a tackle ??

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MONEY. Seems like it could be a total sell out.

11,500 x £10 = £115,000 - £110,000 for the police bill laugh.gif = £15,000 profit divided by 2 = £7,500 each.

Seriously though both clubs will make more than an ordinary friendly.


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