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Suspension Bridge Closed Again


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This really annoys me, I only live about 5 minutes from the suspension bridge, and would happily walk over it to go to the Ashton Court festival, (and the balloon fiesta) but alas I cannot because some numpty at the council has decided that SUDDENLY the suspension bridge which has lasted nearly 200 years, cannot cope with people walking on it (yes I know this started last year)

Its got nothing to do with that if you ask me, its cos they don't want people to walk to ashton court and get in for free, they want the car parking money. If they were that worried about it collapsing into the Avon gorge they could send people across a hundred at a time, and charge them 30p each to do so, thus making some money still.

The bridge survived before they started doing this, and when I drove across it the other day, there must have been at least 100 people stood on it taking pictures etc.

Stinks of a cover up, if the council want us to get out of our cars and walk, why are they doing things like this?


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Guest MaloneFM

Whine whine whine....look girlie when I was a wee child and the bridge wasn't built we'd go down bridge valley road.

But the bridge wasn't there then so it was called Winterstoke Road north.

If my council shuts it because of johhny terrorist then they jolly well can. If you don't like it...GO BACK TO RUSSIA TROTSKY! ranting.gif

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Guest MaloneFM

Enjoying the book eh? Eh? Looked up from it for one minute to type abuse then back to the white middle class cobblers that is Hairy Pothole?

Book turned up did it? Did it? eh? eh?

No. Please. No thanks are expected. God bless her Majesties mighty Royal Mail.

DHL Drop it Hide it or Lose it. TNT=pikeys

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Yes I got me book, after your kind suggestion to convince the postie to ring the door, I decided on a more toned down version from your "I'm naked and I want my Harry Potter book." Instead I went for the good old begging approach, "please ring the doorbell so I can have my harry potter book"

don't want to start reading it now, cos then, it will be finished, but thanks Malone to all Postmen/ladies for being so kind as to deliver all 607 pages of it to my door.

How many did you have to do then?

Sorry back to my rant about the suspension bridge!


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