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Clevedon Game


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A good competitive game and a good work out fo city,city went one down early in the game from a shot rebounding of the post to there striker, but then city took charge of the game and had major part of possession,murray looked lively as a central striker with someone like stewart alongside him he could be back to his best,his control was good and spread some good link up play,and was unlucky to hvae a goal ruled out for offside after rounding the keeper to slot hme after a good run.

Bradley orr looked ok as a central defender stopped most things and won the majorty in the air,scott goldbourne and scott brown both had quite games,Grant smith scored on his debut and had a good game ,crosses from corners were fantastic on somebodys head everytime,if he can find Brooker and Heywood with them we should score more goals from set plays,sure he score goals from midfield which we have missed also has a good free kick,the first half fnished 1-0 to clevedon,second half shaun lamb a impressive centre hal;f scord a lovely 20 yarder and looks one for the future alan hanson style,then a defensive mistake from the left wing let there player in for a cross met at the far post with a header,city virtually returned the score to 2-2 wit grant getting his first goal after Pearce who did litttle wrong saved a great penalty.

Then city again seemed to have plenty of time to clear the ball from the box when the balll ran to the forward for him to easily slot home for his hatrick,but a good competitive game and lots of good points from it for next season.

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Yes shaun lamb scored a great goal,20 yarder looks cool in defence and passes it really nicely out of defence,definately one for the future.

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