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The Power Of The Forum (part 94)

Port Said Red

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I noticed that there werre several mentions and a picture to prove that DW was at the reserve game the other night.

After the recent posts on here regarding his whereabouts at the Mem reserve game, it seemed to me that they felt it was necessary to emphasise the point.

Those that questioned whether his presence should be felt more got their wish, if they wanted a list of his movements.

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I disagree, all it proves is that the people who write the stories for the City website get their story ideas by reading the forum. So dont let it get to your heads !

And besides I'd be very worried if the club was run by people who did everything the forum demanded. For one thing - how representative are we of the fans as a whole ? I suspect we are just representative of fans with access to the internet (and plenty of spare time).

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I suspect we are just representative of fans with access to the internet (and plenty of spare time).

Or just a bunch of skiving, workshy yokels who like the sound of their own voices.

Do not believe everything you read. I have read that the club shop is now selling lifesize inflatable DWs which have multiple uses, one of them being to fool shortsighted fans into thinking the manager is actually in attendance at a reserve game on a drizzly wintry evening, when he is really sitting by a roaring log fire in a Chesterfield tavern enjoying a pint of Old Peculier and a ploughman's.

It really is a great doll though. Simply inflate and prop up against a wall, dugout, fridge, etc. and hey presto! It's as if he's really there with his commanding touchline presence.

I hear there is also talk of a Danny De Luxe model with moving parts and detachable whippet. Apparently, Orj was first on the waiting list.

I can't wait to see the photos!

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I have read that the club shop is now selling lifesize inflatable DWs which have multiple uses, one of them being to fool shortsighted fans into thinking the manager is actually in attendance at a reserve game on a drizzly wintry evening, when he is really sitting by a roaring log fire in a Chesterfield tavern enjoying a pint of Old Peculier and a ploughman's.

Isn't that a little far-fetched, redrocks?

I mean, with the money he's on, I doubt that he would order a ploughman's LUNCH. Especially on a "drizzly wintry EVENING".

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Isn't that a little far-fetched, redrocks?

I mean, with the money he's on, I doubt that he would order a ploughman's LUNCH. Especially on a "drizzly wintry EVENING".

Sorry, did I say ploughman's? I meant butterflied chicken breast in a cajun marinade, with fresh aspargus spears, a medley of fresh vegetables sautéed in freshly churned country butter, a side garnish of freshly picked romaine lettuce drizzled in raspberry vinaigrette and chips.

Or toad-in-the hole.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

You're all wrong - He's a northern boy so it'd be chips with gravey with mushy peas down the local working mens club supping some dodgy bitter

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