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Anybody Else Hear

Port Said Red

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I thought Peter Beadle sounded like my kind of Manager listening on the radio to him talking about their latest 3-0 win. He sounded positive but realistic and sounds like he has a good approach to the job.

I think the board should keep an eye him for the future and get him back into our set up sooner rather than later.

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Guest MaloneFM

One must side with the TG on this one.

Wee ginger Gordan Strachan very entertaining in front of the mic. Bit of an arsehead in front of the dugout. Whiney jock Sourpuss Ferguson, monster on the box, master in the box.

But on the contrary.

Brummie whiner Twatkins. Useless everywhere.

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So what's this? how people interview on the radio is now a criteria of good football management?

One must side with the TG on this one.

Wee ginger Gordan Strachan very entertaining in front of the mic. Bit of an arsehead in front of the dugout. Whiney jock Sourpuss Ferguson, monster on the box, master in the box.

But on the contrary.

Brummie whiner Twatkins. Useless everywhere.

No I don't think thats what I said, nope just re read it and its definitely not what I said.

I said he sounded like a man with a positive nature. I also thought some of his thoughts on how to manage had a good ring to them, and based on this I felt it was worth watching his and his teams progress for future reference.

No more no less.

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