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Guest torquay red
Racist abuse to a black steward...


No not at all....they threatened to kick the head in of the Herald express photographer who was behind the goal...for no reason.The herald said tonight that it was the worst trouble at tqy for years.Sad sad people.

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I have been following the gas for nearly 15 years and was at the Torquay game yesterday, I was unfortunate enough to be stood in right next to some of the trouble in the corner. IMO the Stewards at the game instigated a number of the problems and could have defused the situation on numerous occassions, its worth noting the Police that travelled up from Bristol admitted as much.

That aside some of our supporters behaviour was appauling. I saw a few guys who had brought their kids (who must have been under 10 years old) leave them on their own in the middle of what felt to me to be quite a scary situation in order to join in and try and have a go at both stewards and police, it was disgraceful! At the same time we seem to have a new generation of kids in their late teens / early twenties hell bent on causing trouble for the majority of the game they weren't watching the match (as dire as the first 74 minutes were) but merely shouting obscenities hoping for a reaction. The racist chants towards the black steward were discraceful, the people who took part don't deserve the air that they breath.

On another note, I appreciate and agree that everyone who pays to watch rovers has a right to express their opinion, but shouting at the players calling them useless C**ts who aren't fit to wear the shirt stealing the supporters money is not really going to inspire them to perform 20 minutes into the match? Surely people should support and encourage during the game and make any comments after? Those same supporters were chearing the same players after 90 minutes.

I always told myself that these sort of things only happened at Ashton Gate, but yesterday I realised I'd just been kidding myself all this time.

And Ian Atkins..... you could still have a future at the club - just swallow you're pride and let the players put the ball on the deck.

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Guest citycityman

shocking, whats even worse is that Dunceford hasnt even launched an inquirey and hasnt even come out and said he's ban any of the trouble makers idenified... shows what a crap chairman he is!!

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On another note, I appreciate and agree that everyone who pays to watch rovers has a right to express their opinion, but shouting at the players calling them useless C**ts who aren't fit to wear the shirt stealing the supporters money is not really going to inspire them to perform 20 minutes into the match? Surely people should support and encourage during the game and make any comments after? Those same supporters were chearing the same players after 90 minutes.

Seemed to work though!

On a serious note, it really annoys me when City fans get on our players backs as well, but I'm not going to dwell on it because theres been plenty of discussion of that topic on this forum before.

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I am as willing to jump on to any 'lets bash Rovers' bandwagon as any other city fan.

However, we all have some nutters. It does concern me that having watched as things have got a lot better over the last few decades, that we seen to be attracting a new generation of those who want to cause trouble and see colour as an issue.

Very much hope I am wrong. Biut suggest we only throw stones on this one if we feel we are as a collective group of fans without sin!

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Unfortunately, every club has idiots like this. None of us 'normal' fans are proud to have these people associated with their clubs. We couldn't have asked for a better day out, good weather, good pubs, cracking result, spoilt by 30 or so. what a shame any of us have to put up with this.

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EP Yesterday

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11:00 - 23 August 2005

A Bristol Rovers fan appeared before magistrates charged with breaching a football banning order. Kevin Jenkins, aged 40, of Mancroft Avenue, Lawrence Weston, was arrested after being seen in Torquay on Saturday by officers from Avon and Somerset police working with the Devon and Cornwall force.

Jenkins yesterday pleaded not guilty to breaching an order which bans him from entering any town where Bristol Rovers are playing for a period of three hours.

He was arrested in Torquay following a league game at the weekend, which Rovers won 3-2.

The case was adjourned for a pre-trial review at Torbay Magistrates' Court on October 5 and Jenkins was released on unconditional bail.

The match against Torquay United on Saturday saw a number of arrests for a variety of offences. Four other Bristol fans were arrested for public order offences, and another two for running onto the pitch.

Five were charged with offences and bailed to appear before magistrates at a later date after being detained and one 25-year-old man was issued with a fixed penalty notice.

All seven men are believed to be from the Bristol area.

And the Rovers team themselves were lucky to make it to the game at all. The players were left stranded on Saturday when their team coach broke down on the way to Devon.

Manager Ian Atkins's squad were about 10 miles from Torquay when the coach ground to a halt, delaying their arrival at Plainmoor by an hour. laugh.gif



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