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Does This Forum Make Things Worse?

City Rocker

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OK, just to answer Neo's question, the answer is very straightforward. I don't think this needs to be a long-winded post...

I've been going to Ashton Gate since 1976.

I've been using this forum since 1998.

My view is that this forum has made a HUGE difference in galvanising NEGATIVE feeling amonst City fans. Some of those on this forum will have been among the faithful 4,000 or so that turned out when we were bottom of Division 4 (that's CocaCola League 2, kids).

And those people will remember, possibly with some emotion, the extraordinary level of support that was given to the City team at that time by the faithful few......The sense of humour and the camaraderie on the terraces when we were bottom of division 4 was absolutely superb and was completely at odds with the atmosphere of today.

Things were bad then.....far worsethan we can possibly imagine today. Yet there was no (ok, little) booing and no slating of management or players...or, for that matter, no debate between us about who may or may not be deemed 'proper supporters'. We were all there!

With due respect to my signature below and to the late Joe Strummer, you DO have the right to free speach, but use that right with some dignity and common sense.

I personally feel the internet and its extraordinary growth has been detrimental to the club and to the feeling in the stands. I don't generally visit this forum very much, as I used to, and I genuinely feel the atmosphere around the club has been damaged by the very existance of this forum.

Which is a shame sad.gif

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good points.

as living through city in the top flight as a kid it was heart breaking

to see city the way they were in 1982

but back in 1982 many were just happy to have a club, a team to follow

and even though we were crap the atmoshere was of relief, even

fans doing the conga at northampton at 7-1 down it didn't matter

as the club was still alive.

thing is in todays world we are promised so much and nothing gets

delivered the club set the expectancy so high as when we fail there is a big

disappointment when it goes wrong.

i still remember davidsons six year

plan for the prem that went tits up.

danny wilson came to us ex prem manager and a good background

with big ideas to get us up, that failed.

the new stand ain't quite gone to plan.

we bring in this season 2 ex prem strikers after the club builds us

up with we are going to win the league, so far not looking good.

it's a build me up thing the club brings to supporters that does not

always help, it's good to be confident but not a swagger of arrogance

that mostly every club in this league see's us as and raises their game

to knock us down.

i want the best for this club and we all want a higher grade of football but we need to drop our expectancy

levels down a bit as from those dark but fun days of 1982

we have not really been anywhere other than the old third division, if we chill out a bit mabe the

team and manager might not panic so much,

who knows only time will tell wink.gif

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you DO have the right to free speach, but use that right with some dignity and common sense.

That is absolutely spot on.

I can accept anyone's viewpoint regardless of whether I agree with it or not as long as it is written in this way. The rest is just vicious dross and I ignore it.

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I personally feel that the atmosphere at all football grounds will never been the same while it's all seating stadiums...

You've used the words terraces more than once in your post I think City Rocker and the absence of those is the most contributing factor to the change since the good (or bad... Div 4 after all!) ol' days.

I think to say that this forum has a negative effect on the whole club is a bit dramatic IMO... This forum is basically completely meaningless when it comes down to it... Just the sharing of opinions of a small minority of city supporters... Representative of the fanbase in the way a snapshot survey is but if Brian or the players really let something like this forum distract them, then they aren't doing what they are being paid for...

I can see that the galvanising effect the forum may have on fans would have a negative effect if there are negative issues going on but the same should be true when things are positive as well...

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