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Comparisons With Holloway

Maesknoll Red

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As there was a post recently calling for the board to appoint Holloway, I had a look at his management stats. (BTW, who saw that TV programme about him, he is a man on the edge, a nervous breakdown waiting to happen - not someone I'd want taking charge of City).

Holloway was appointed to his first management role on 13/5/96, so had a full close season to prepare his team, they finished 17th. 10 places below Tinnion's first season.

He managed to improve this in 97/98 and finished 5th, if Tinman can improve that much we're looking at auto promotion!! 98/99 saw him stutter to 13th and 99/00 he finished one out of the play-offs. 00/01 saw the start of the decline biggrin.gif of the sags finishing 21st and 29/1/01 was enough for the milkman, Holloway departed and the sags finisfed the season one place from the conference.

Less than one month later he had taken over at QPR, taking the dubious 'honour' of seeing both clubs he had managed that season get relegated from their respective divisions as QPR finished 23rd.

Leaving Bristol has dramatically improved his CV, taking QPR to 4th place in 02/03 and promotion the following season following a 2nd place finish. His record in the Championship is a reasonable 11th last season and his team currently lie in 13th place.

Whilst Tinman isn't a Bristolian, he has taken the club to heart, just as Holloway with the sags, is it too much to expect a 'fan' to deliver the goods, there is no doubting tinman's desire and passion to succeeed with this club, but does the emotional attachment get in the way?

I sincerely hope not, this club and it's fans are long overdue some success to cheer about, some table topping excitement to renew the unity amongst the fans and make the visits to the Gate enjoyable - to have Tinman achieve this, would for me, be the icing on the cake - a passionate City man taking us up.

I fear that the massive feeling of underachievemen will not allow Tinman the time to deliver. Should he fail to appease the fans and ultimately the board, will the same fate befall the next man? or would an 'outsider be given more time ?

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Guest hairyshamrock

I do see what you are saying but if you take the resources both men had at their disposal, and take into account the expectations of the fans and the promises made by both men when they took the helm, i think you will see the difference. This cannot be measured with stats or with numbers of any kind on any scale.

Fact of the matter is from my point of view, too many fans feel like they have been kicked in the teeth by the board who appointed a cheap option.

I have no problem with passion from a manager, i am a great respecter of many a passionate manager, including Mr Holloway, but passion cannot make up a short fall of technical knowledge and not forgetting, what i call, gut level skill - something which cannot be taught on any of the FA's coaching courses.

This is where the problem lies. Interviews before last weeks game stated that the manager had worked tirelessly with the squad on defending better after the debacle against Barnet, to which point we were 2-0 down in the first 17 minutes. Thats the problem with the man, even when he works hard, it is basically for nothing.

I would expect us to go at Colchester tomorrow, and even with our poor form and probably morale, see us win. However, i fear it will be a mamoth struggle.

Through all this i would like to say that i do not wish anything bad to Brian Tinnion, or his managerial career. I just feel he went about starting it badly and is struggling against the tide.

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I fear that the massive feeling of underachievemen will not allow Tinman the time to deliver.  Should he fail to appease the fans and ultimately the board, will the same fate befall the next man? or would an 'outsider be given more time ?

No, the fact that he has no idea about how to employ tactics in a game of football, will not allow Tinnion the time to deliver. whistling.gif

don't pretend for a second that the expectation placed on Tinnion is the reason why he is failing. Thats just daft.

As much as it pains me to say it, Holloway is ten times the manager than Tinnion will ever be.

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Guest pentlandsl

Holloway is an out and out Gashead but is proving himself to be a very good manager. Managing Rovers is a poisened chalice for whoever is in charge - trying to mould free journeymen signings, non-leaguers and youngsers into a cohesive unit capable of challenging for a promotion spot is nigh-on impossible - he did as good as he could there with what he had at his disposal.

He is proving his qualities at QPR and I for one would welcome him as the next City manager - his no-nonsense 'in your face' style is exactly what is needed - we need a big shake up at the club and he would be a man capable of doing it.

Unfortunately, why on earth would a successful manager in the Championship (or anywhere to be honest) want to come here at the moment?

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I do see what you are saying but if you take the resources both men had at their disposal,

The resources at QPR aren't exactly bountiful, but Holloway has made a reasonable job of it there, you cannot discount the 9 years management experience he has now, but what he hasn't got is the close ties with the club on an emotional level.

Tinman's resources haven't been exactly plentiful, but he has been fortunate in the quality of some of the free signings, the loss of Lita is similar to the sags selling of their 'finds' of striking talent.

Perhaps the promotion of a player to manager within a club is flawed, it didn't work with Russell Osman either. As I understand it, if you are in the Police or the Services and you are promoted, you have to move stations, as it's not considered a good idea to oversee those who were your peers - it's not an easy transition, I know I've done it.

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Guest pentlandsl
And City isn't...............  ask all the failed and berated men who have tried.

I agree we are also a poisened chalice but for different reasons - the Gas is for lack of resources - us for enough resources, high expectations and years of underacheivment leading to a new manager having just one season to succeed.

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