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Small Fish...


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Never thought I would ever say this, but after a cool down and a knee jerk reaction to todays/this seasons performance so far Bristol City's current team are a very sad small fish in a very, very big pond known as division 3.

Today they looked very much out of their depth, which in this standard of football is sad.

Whilst I admire Mr. Tinnion as a former player, and indeed as a man big enough to answer critics on a radio station prior to a game (although sadly not answering questions on his teams' forum as a manager like he did as a player), I feel he still doesn't have the tactical awareness, amongst other things, needed to be a successful manager.

I feel we are no longer the sleeping giants of the football league, but more like a team on a life support machine ready to be turned off unless the best qualified surgeon can turn up and bring us back to life with a miracle.

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