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Brian Tinnion


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I just wanted to take the chance to thank wish Brian all the best. I am truely sorry that things haven't worked out and it will be a long time before we come across a player or manager who appears to care as much about this club as he does. I hope some of our current squad are truely ashamed of themselves.

My only hope now is that a new manager with no connections to the club comes in and sweeps the place clean, ready for a fresh start.

All the best for the future.


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I agree, thank you brian for 13 years of loyal service, great goals and magnifecent passes. You are a legend and i hope thats how you are remembered. I hope you get on and have a sucseffull carear elsewhere , no one blames you for taking the job it must have been a dream come true and if i was offered it i would jump at it too, but maybe it was too big a first job, perhaps getting a job somewhere fresh would be better all round then maybe in the future.....who knows.

Lets hope everyone can now show the respect you deserve, good luck and thanks Brian !

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