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Tommy Quits International Football


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Laurie Sanchez has confirmed Tommys departure from the Northern Ireland squad, but made a couple of comments, one that seems to be quite accurate, and one, that just doesnt sound like him at all.

Sanchez has said (quoted from Sky Sports)

"I had a good chat with Tommy and unfortunately he's decided that he doesn't want to play for Northern Ireland any more," Sanchez said.

Now this is the comment I understand

"I wasn't sure how strong his commitment was and I've always said that players have to be committed if they want to play for Northern Ireland, otherwise they are no good to me."

And this is the comment I don't get......

"Tommy is a quiet lad and being stuck in a hotel for nine or ten days with a group of people who you don't know particularly well isn't an easy environment for everyone. "

Since when has Tommy been a quiet lad who just sits in the corner sipping his Elderflower???? dunno.gif

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Since when has Tommy been a quiet lad who just sits in the corner sipping his Elderflower???? dunno.gif

Off the football pitch he is very much that, and a stranger to even those that know him.

He's not the brightest bulb in the pack either biggrin.gif

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