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Martin Allen


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I have to say I am absoluely delighted that he never got "our" job.

He's an embarasment....Leaping about on the side of the pitch...running onto the pitch.

His brash and stupid comments...the list goes on.

Having seen Brentford play many times under Martin Allen I have to say I'm impressed by the results they get but most certainly not the way they play. They never seem to have "footballers" in their team. Todays game does nothing to make me reconsider.

Results are important but so is the way you get them. Afterall football is entertainment.

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Guest routabout

I have to say I am absoluely delighted that he never got "our" job.

He's an embarasment....Leaping about on the side of the pitch...running onto the pitch.

His brash and stupid comments...the list goes on.

Having seen Brentford play many times under Martin Allen I have to say I'm impressed by the results they get but most certainly not the way they play. They never seem to have "footballers" in their team. Todays game does nothing to make me reconsider.

Results are important but so is the way you get them. Afterall football is entertainment.

I'm not gratuitously responding to this thread, in fact I've been waiting for this opportunity.

As an alternative to Lawrence, I would have taken him. But then I'd rather bang Madonna, than Mo Mowlem and we all know how soiled and minging Madonna is now she's in her 'maturer' years! I put an artilcle on my website about today's match and part of it includes a reference to Allen's antics and that he was trying to stir the crowd up, as opposed to get the crowd going. This is all well and good, but it's gamesmanship and wasn't that what Cotts was booked for? We don't want a 'win at all costs' manager. I'd rather win with pride and not have an accusation of cheating, or more politely gamesmanship, at the back of my mind.

Johnson has true managerial ability and genuine class. Martin Allen has no class what so ever and we beat his route one, 'physical' side, on their own patch, despite being low on confidence. When Johnson speaks, I know I can trust what he's saying and I know that he's talking sense. Allen prefers to play mind games and use other underhanded methods to achieve his 'success'. I know which I'd rather be hearing.

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But then I'd rather bang Madonna, than Mo Mowlem

I feel the choice of woman you choose to mention as someone you wouldn't sleep with in this a bit insensitive. But maybe that's just me

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Guest routabout

I feel the choice of woman you choose to mention as someone you wouldn't sleep with in this a bit insensitive. But maybe that's just me

I just give up! This place has no logic.

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I just give up! This place has no logic.

I'm not sure what's illogical about being a bit offended by the phrase 'I'd rather bang Madonna, than Mo Mowlem ' when she died very recently.

But as I said before, maybe that's just me.

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Guest routabout

I'm not sure what's illogical about being a bit offended by the phrase 'I'd rather bang Madonna, than Mo Mowlem ' when she died very recently.

But as I said before, maybe that's just me.


I am genuinely very, very sorry. I GENUINELY did not know that. I don't watch the current affairs news, as I generally find it very depressing.

I wouldn't make a joke about something like that. I agree with you that it is a sick comment, with hindsight, but at the time I posted it, I genuinely did not know. :blush:

Unfortunately, it is too late for me to edit my post, if I could I would and would appreciate it if an admin could remove it. It was meant in a Paul Merton, HIGNFY sense, nothing more.

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I am genuinely very, very sorry. I GENUINELY did not know that. I don't watch the current affairs news, as I generally find it very depressing.

I wouldn't make a joke about something like that. I agree with you that it is a sick comment, with hindsight, but at the time I posted it, I genuinely did not know. :blush:

Unfortunately, it is too late for me to edit my post, if I could I would and would appreciate it if an admin could remove it. It was meant in a Paul Merton, HIGNFY sense, nothing more.

No worries.

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Well in case some of you don't know and i havnt read all the threads yet ( so no ass comments about already being posted, thank you), Allen had two interviews for the city job and lost out to Magic. ( it was on talk sport this morning).

With that in mind, we gave him a little stick today.

Songs like

You wanted the job

we turned you down


City reject.

My fav though had to be the one that we never really got going

He puts his left leg in

his left leg out

in out in out

he shakes it all about

his name is martin allen

and he's fu***** crap

and thats why we turned him down.

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The football on show was nothing other than woeful.

However it is very very effective.

I know what I want to watch - when madjo backheeled the ball on to a running skuse, or the ball brown put in for Brooker - thats what I paid £12 for.

And Allen is a nonse. When he runs around, throwing his arms around - I just don't get it.

I'm over the moon we have Johnson and not him.

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Yes, I think SteveL showed an appreciation of the fact that we City fans expect a certain style of football.

If we wanted to watch hump-it-up-the-pitch, backs against the wall, bulldog spirit football we'd be Gasheads.

As pointed outm the little backheels, the touches, the passing style, these are the things that make the entrance fee worthwhile.

Allen plays an unattractive, bludgeoning Cambridge Utd style that I'd hate to see down Ashton Gate. Add to that the fact that he's a lunatic, and it's just a shame that the Gas couldn't afford him. He'd be ideal as their next boss!

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