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How Much Time Will Johnson Have?


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The disgracefull events of last week and last nights performance and result will have convinced Johnson that the problems at AG run far deeper than anyone could have imagined.

As fans we have all been aware of the drinking culture at the club for many seasons.We all remember Peacock being infamous for falling off bar stools and almost being constantly unfit.Its not a new phenomina.

By events rather than design Johnson has had to address the drinking culture at the club,which to be fair to Johnson he already knew about before he arrived and he has made his views to all the players about alcohol and "socialsing" very clear.But...you don't change well ingrained habits overnight and the players will continue to drink but in a less obvious way - away from the City centre for a start.

Now that the impact of trying to impress a new manager is wearing off Johnson can expect more dire performances like last night.The attitude of some of the players is just like thier attitude to alcohol - ingrained and it will take much effort on Johnson's part to change things around.

Johnson came with a big reputation having worked miracles at Yeovil but managing City is a far bigger and tougher job( no disrespect to Yeovil) and I wonder after just a few weeks in the job whether Johnson is realising just that.He will need time before there are clear signs of improvement and the question is - how patient will the fans be?

If for example City are mid-table at xmas and 25 points off the top spot will fans still be calling him the "Messiah" and "magic" or will they (as I predict) be critising his signings,tactics,substitutions and team selections along with his post match interviews and man management skills.Thats exactly what his two predecessors were subjected to (and more) and it will come as a huge shock to a man who is considered a deity in deepest Somerset.Will Johnson be upto the task? :dunno:

Only time will tell.

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It all depend on the type of football we play (which has been quite encouraging) as well as the way that GJ displays his ability to get the job done.

I'd say this and next season as a platform to promotion the season after that. I can't see it happening before then.

He's his own man and will want to bring in his own players.

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Guest december 1963

But I can't agree with you robbored that last night's performance was dire. A number of players put in quite a bit of effort and were unlucky in their efforts whilst other players showed themselves to be barely adequate at this level. Scott Brown, the only one of the three who played, was one of our better players. The drinking issue did not, in my opinion, affect yesterday's performance, other than all but one of the players involved didn't play. The drinking issue is a real problem but it did not cause us to lose 3-2 last night. And the team was not dire, only certain players.

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But I can't agree with you robbored that last night's performance was dire. A number of players put in quite a bit of effort and were unlucky in their efforts whilst other players showed themselves to be barely adequate at this level. Scott Brown, the only one of the three who played, was one of our better players. The drinking issue did not, in my opinion, affect yesterday's performance, other than all but one of the players involved didn't play. The drinking issue is a real problem but it did not cause us to lose 3-2 last night. And the team was not dire, only certain players.

But without the incident we'd have had Partridge at the back instead of Fortune. So could it be argued that the drinking issue did go some way towards us losing 3-2?

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But I can't agree with you robbored that last night's performance was dire. A number of players put in quite a bit of effort and were unlucky in their efforts whilst other players showed themselves to be barely adequate at this level. Scott Brown, the only one of the three who played, was one of our better players. The drinking issue did not, in my opinion, affect yesterday's performance, other than all but one of the players involved didn't play. The drinking issue is a real problem but it did not cause us to lose 3-2 last night. And the team was not dire, only certain players.

I wasn't at the game but was basing my view on TomF's thread of last night and what I read in the papers today.

Having lost to a mid-table lower league under strength outfit does suggest the performance was lacking if not dire.

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Guest december 1963

But without the incident we'd have had Partridge at the back instead of Fortune. So could it be argued that the drinking issue did go some way towards us losing 3-2?

I didn't say it well but I did try to make that point - that the only way I could link the drinking with the result was that it caused all but one player to be absent. And I agree with robbored that "lacking" is better than "dire". I felt Sofa, Wilkshire, and Brown were amongst our best last night. A few others didn't lack effort, they lacked quality.

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I didn't say it well but I did try to make that point - that the only way I could link the drinking with the result was that it caused all but one player to be absent. And I agree with robbored that "lacking" is better than "dire". I felt Sofa, Wilkshire, and Brown were amongst our best last night. A few others didn't lack effort, they lacked quality.

So you did. My mistake for not reading it properly.

Glad to hear Brown was on his game last night. Perhaps I was a bit nit-picky with my comments on his press statement and he is genuinely sorry and will show us he means it with his performances on the pitch. Of the 3 (or maybe more) involved he is the one I was most surprised at and the one I expect to take it as a kick up the arse and come back stronger for it.

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The disgracefull events of last week and last nights performance and result will have convinced Johnson that the problems at AG run far deeper than anyone could have imagined.

As fans we have all been aware of the drinking culture at the club for many seasons.We all remember Peacock being infamous for falling off bar stools and almost being constantly unfit.Its not a new phenomina.

By events rather than design Johnson has had to address the drinking culture at the club,which to be fair to Johnson he already knew about before he arrived and he has made his views to all the players about alcohol and "socialsing" very clear.But...you don't change well ingrained habits overnight and the players will continue to drink but in a less obvious way - away from the City centre for a start.

Now that the impact of trying to impress a new manager is wearing off Johnson can expect more dire performances like last night.The attitude of some of the players is just like thier attitude to alcohol - ingrained and it will take much effort on Johnson's part to change things around.

Johnson came with a big reputation having worked miracles at Yeovil but managing City is a far bigger and tougher job( no disrespect to Yeovil) and I wonder after just a few weeks in the job whether Johnson is realising just that.He will need time before there are clear signs of improvement and the question is - how patient will the fans be?

If for example City are mid-table at xmas and 25 points off the top spot will fans still be calling him the "Messiah" and "magic" or will they (as I predict) be critising his signings,tactics,substitutions and team selections along with his post match interviews and man management skills.Thats exactly what his two predecessors were subjected to (and more) and it will come as a huge shock to a man who is considered a deity in deepest Somerset.Will Johnson be upto the task? :dunno:

Only time will tell.

The drinking culture is only half of the problem, The other half is some of the dross signed by our previous manager, The 2 Smiths, Murray, Carey, Bridges.

The drinking culture is only half of the problem, The other half is some of the dross signed by our previous manager, The 2 Smiths, Murray, Carey, Bridges.

sorry strike murray, that was the previous previous managers mistake.

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The disgracefull events of last week and last nights performance and result will have convinced Johnson that the problems at AG run far deeper than anyone could have imagined.

As fans we have all been aware of the drinking culture at the club for many seasons.We all remember Peacock being infamous for falling off bar stools and almost being constantly unfit.Its not a new phenomina.

By events rather than design Johnson has had to address the drinking culture at the club,which to be fair to Johnson he already knew about before he arrived and he has made his views to all the players about alcohol and "socialsing" very clear.But...you don't change well ingrained habits overnight and the players will continue to drink but in a less obvious way - away from the City centre for a start.

Now that the impact of trying to impress a new manager is wearing off Johnson can expect more dire performances like last night.The attitude of some of the players is just like thier attitude to alcohol - ingrained and it will take much effort on Johnson's part to change things around.

Johnson came with a big reputation having worked miracles at Yeovil but managing City is a far bigger and tougher job( no disrespect to Yeovil) and I wonder after just a few weeks in the job whether Johnson is realising just that.He will need time before there are clear signs of improvement and the question is - how patient will the fans be?

If for example City are mid-table at xmas and 25 points off the top spot will fans still be calling him the "Messiah" and "magic" or will they (as I predict) be critising his signings,tactics,substitutions and team selections along with his post match interviews and man management skills.Thats exactly what his two predecessors were subjected to (and more) and it will come as a huge shock to a man who is considered a deity in deepest Somerset.Will Johnson be upto the task? :dunno:

Only time will tell.

Johnson has to be given time to turn this around. I reckon Tinnion's set the club back three years, in a similar fashion that Pulis did, and I firmly believe we've got the right man at the helm. I don't expect promotion, or even play-off's, this year because Tins was going to get us relegated if things didn't change but we'll get good entertaining football and hopefully a sustained feel-good factor off the pitch too and that can only be good for the club as a whole.

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I like the cut of Johnson's gib and i approve of everything he's done and said so far.

I don't expect promotion this season so there will be no disappointment from me if we finish mid-table. Considering our state when he took over anything more must be considered a bonus.

What i hope i can expect is exciting football and a change around in the squad in the next 9 months which will give genuine hope of a Championship winning season for BCFC next year.

Anyone who starts the moaning about Johnson will get very short shrift if they're sat anywhere near me.

Anyway, the strong impression i get is City fans are delighted to have him as manager and WILL be patient.

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Guest Ruffus T Firefly

I think the first thing that GJ will do is to save us from relegation, which was the only way we were going before he arrived.

I also believe that under him we will win promotion.

As for how much time? well its sad to say that most City fans demand a win every time we play, which is damn stupid.

I just hope that by the team playing "Football", the fans will be more patient.

One way or another, its going to be interesting.

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I am just pleased to be moving away from the bottum,few months a go I could only predict a relegation fight,now we seem to be playing better football and three wins out of four is good,I think under Gary Johnson we have a motivator,a man with good contacts a desire to succeed to a higher league for the club and personal targets.

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I reckon Tinnion's set the club back three years, in a similar fashion that Pulis did

I think this is unfair on Tins.

I think many of his signings have been good - Brooker, Heywood, Partridge certainly, and hopefully Russell as well. We all thought Stewart and Bridges were fantastic signings, and if Johnson manages to get more out of them than Tins, they could still come good.

Tins has also done a fantastic job in bringing young players into the team.

I think Tins' main failings were in organisation, tactics and man management. These should be much easier to overcome than inheriting a team of overpaid, unfit journeymen :farmer: .

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I happy we have GJ and i'm more than prepaired to give him several years, or a long as it takes, i have that much faith in him.

Sure there will be one or two idiots who will get on his back if we lose the odd game, but these types of people will moan no matter what, even if we signed Henry & Pires there would be moaners which is why i never listen to moaners becuase they are troubled people.

I accept we are a small club, and until GJ proves otherwise i'm happy to plod along with him and just see where he takes us.


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The disgracefull events of last week and last nights performance and result will have convinced Johnson that the problems at AG run far deeper than anyone could have imagined.

As fans we have all been aware of the drinking culture at the club for many seasons.We all remember Peacock being infamous for falling off bar stools and almost being constantly unfit.Its not a new phenomina.

By events rather than design Johnson has had to address the drinking culture at the club,which to be fair to Johnson he already knew about before he arrived and he has made his views to all the players about alcohol and "socialsing" very clear.But...you don't change well ingrained habits overnight and the players will continue to drink but in a less obvious way - away from the City centre for a start.

Now that the impact of trying to impress a new manager is wearing off Johnson can expect more dire performances like last night.The attitude of some of the players is just like thier attitude to alcohol - ingrained and it will take much effort on Johnson's part to change things around.

Johnson came with a big reputation having worked miracles at Yeovil but managing City is a far bigger and tougher job( no disrespect to Yeovil) and I wonder after just a few weeks in the job whether Johnson is realising just that.He will need time before there are clear signs of improvement and the question is - how patient will the fans be?

If for example City are mid-table at xmas and 25 points off the top spot will fans still be calling him the "Messiah" and "magic" or will they (as I predict) be critising his signings,tactics,substitutions and team selections along with his post match interviews and man management skills.Thats exactly what his two predecessors were subjected to (and more) and it will come as a huge shock to a man who is considered a deity in deepest Somerset.Will Johnson be upto the task? :dunno:

Only time will tell.

He's had enough time to turn it round....WE WANT JOHNSON OUT!!! :chant6ez: WE WANT JOHNSON OUT :chant6ez:


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He's had enough time to turn it round....WE WANT JOHNSON OUT!!!

Too right. Tins had started to turn things around* and then we went and got this clown in instead.

The good news is that Steve has already approached another club about a possible replacement for Johnson - see Our Next Manager

* We drew the last ten minutes of the Swansea match 1-1, whereas we lost the first 80 minutes 6-0

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But without the incident we'd have had Partridge at the back instead of Fortune. So could it be argued that the drinking issue did go some way towards us losing 3-2?

it sure did.

In the wider picture the boozing can be curtailed to GJ's satisfaction, of that i am sure. However, the reason why we are where we are is because BT took it unto himself to rip the team that DW built to threads and replace it with 7 new signings. Even if every new signing was great they would take a few games to gel but the fact we are 18th after 13 games suggests these 7 players, cumulatively, are woefully inadequate in many departments. I mean not even Bridges has done much has he. Russell is injured, Smith is poor, Keogh is hit and miss, Partridge has an attitude problem and has also been hit and miss, and at the other end of the spectrum only Stewart has paid us back some and even he has had an injury.

So all in all it has been the most turbulent start to a season i can remember for a long time. GJ will not be on a time limit this season at all simply because of the mess he has been handed. Quite frankly, if we end up 10th i will be chuffed.

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