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Guest ashtonyate

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Guest ashtonyate

I am getting a bit fed up with people who can,t any satisfaction with an argument then start asking personal question about peoples circumstances this is not what the forum is about.

I notice that it is happen lately I chose to give some personal facts in my post on un waged tickets thats ok. but in my post on the academy one poster wanted to know why i did not have a job this is out of order and nothing to do with him or that post

Also because some fan cant go to ever match it is thought by some poster they should not have a view on anything you don't have to go to ever match to know whats going on.Some fans either have no responcibilty

or a good wage and can afford to go to ever match not ever body is in that position and its not only me who cant afford to go to ever game

So less of the personal stuff and more facts and some times you can't convince people that their view is wrong like me on the academy I sure my post is better "THAT WHAT SONG SHALL SING AT THE NEXT MATCH|"

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Guest Heathy33

[so less of the personal stuff and more facts and some times you can't convince people that their view is wrong like me on the academy I sure my post is better "THAT WHAT SONG SHALL SING AT THE NEXT MATCH|"

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Guest annanimo

I am getting a bit fed up with people who can,t any satisfaction with an argument then start asking personal question about peoples circumstances this is not what the forum is about.

I notice that it is happen lately I chose to give some personal facts in my post on un waged tickets thats ok. but in my post on the academy one poster wanted to know why i did not have a job this is out of order and nothing to do with him or that post

Also because some fan cant go to ever match it is thought by some poster they should not have a view on anything you don't have to go to ever match to know whats going on.Some fans either have no responcibilty

or a good wage and can afford to go to ever match not ever body is in that position and its not only me who cant afford to go to ever game

So less of the personal stuff and more facts and some times you can't convince people that their view is wrong like me on the academy I sure my post is better "THAT WHAT SONG SHALL SING AT THE NEXT MATCH|"

Absolutely right. As you say the personal questions were well out of order. There is no room for that kind of thing on this forum, which should be about discussion rather than personal abuse.

Still disagree with you regards the academy though! :)

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Guest ashtonyate

[so less of the personal stuff and more facts and some times you can't convince people that their view is wrong like me on the academy I sure my post is better "THAT WHAT SONG SHALL SING AT THE NEXT MATCH|"

Blimey, i actually agree with you about something.

Its nice to know you agree with me is it on the academy

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Guest purple_monkey_dishwasher

So less of the personal stuff and more facts

I agree wholeheartedly. For example, in that Academy post someone was insulting another poster just because they were female. You'd never do that, would you Ashtonyate? :laugh:

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I think the main problem people have with you Ashtonyate is that you don,t seem to accept another point of view,however factual or reasoned that point may be.

If you could just accept that you might have been wrong sometimes,I think most on here would be tolerable.

Maybe a little less stubbornness and a bit more reasoning from yourself would result in less insults.

Just a thought.

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Guest swindlered

Lincoln Citys 2010 plan includes building a centre of excellence so they can attract enough local talent to help them into the Championship. Why don't you hire yourself out to them as a consultant. This will get you back into the job market and save them thousands of wasted pounds on building a centre of excellence which will not produce better players than they could have bought with the cash saved.

It must be re-assuring for you that their are yet more idiots out there who know less about bringing success to football clubs than you do.

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Guest purple_monkey_dishwasher

OooooOOOOoooh lets have some linkage :D

Um, it wasn't anything interesting. Just rather hypocritical of Mr Yate to complain about personal abuse when he's quite happy to dish it out himself.

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Um, it wasn't anything interesting. Just rather hypocritical of Mr Yate to complain about personal abuse when he's quite happy to dish it out himself.

Click on his username and click 'ignore user' and none of us would have to put up with his drivel ever again!!

I urge everyone to do this

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Click on his username and click 'ignore user' and none of us would have to put up with his drivel ever again!!

I urge everyone to do this

I wont be doing that. There is nothing better logging onto the forum and finding a huge thread started by ashtonyate. I'm probably in a minority but I actually enjoy his stubborness to accept an alternate viewpoint.

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I am getting a bit fed up with people who ... start asking personal question about peoples circumstances this is not what the forum is about.

Correct. After all, you have used upwards of twelve hundred postings to articulate your blueprint for Bristol City where:

  1. Only youngsters not good enough for academies are to be taken on
  2. Senior professionals are not to be discouraged from being out on the lash at all hours
  3. Everyone gets to pay as little as possible to watch this "progress"
... there's absolutely no need for anyone to get personal in the face of such visionary ideals.

By the way, how are you getting on with grooming that youngster for future stardom that you told us about in one of your academy threads?

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I wont be doing that. There is nothing better logging onto the forum and finding a huge thread started by ashtonyate. I'm probably in a minority but I actually enjoy his stubborness to accept an alternate viewpoint.

Well once again he has started a thread,and slowly but surely we are adding posts to it,so you may not be in a minority after all.

Is Ashtonyate the font of all wisdom?Is he in fact the.....Dalai Lama?

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Its nice to know you agree with me is it on the academy

No, he doesn't agree with you on the academy, if you had read the post you would see that! Don't think anyone agrees with you at all, just read your message or else the Fans Poll.

So it's ok for you to get personal and abuse other people, but you can't accept any abuse back??? You reap what you sow. I'm afraid.

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When I first joined this forum (the previous form of it anyway), there was an unwritten rule that basically said "attack the post, not the poster".

The ones who were on there then enforced this in a self-policing way and it was often a phrase quoted/

These days, everybody seems to accept personal attacks as the norm.

The forum is a worse place for it!

For Kimberley :wub:

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Ashtonyate, don't take this personally mate, but even those of us who may have agreed with you about the academy now take the mick on principle. You always make some good points, but rather like the bloke in David Copperfield who keeps coming back to King Charles' head, you tend to relate everything to the academy eventually. Even when you DON'T, somebody else makes the link for you. Its all very entertaining on a Friday afternoon but its a shame that your seeming obsession with one topic tends to negate some useful discussions. And I for one won't be ignoring you.

A possible solution would be to change your user name ?

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  • Admin

This is the "offending" post as far as I can tell....

COR this is funny

Just a question ashton , Why exactly can't you find work ? , Not having a dig is it an injury or disability , i

just wonder thats all.

Now to me, that isn't exactly abusive. The poster even goes as far as to point out they are just curious and NOT "having a dig".

If ashtonyate didn't want to answer he could have just said "I'd prefer not to answer that on here, sorry" and I'm sure none of us would have thought anything of it.

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I am getting a bit fed up with people who can,t any satisfaction with an argument then start asking personal question about peoples circumstances this is not what the forum is about.

Yeah there shouldn't be personal attacks but then when you harp on about something and completely and utterly ignore every argument you can understand why people get frustrated.

Also because some fan cant go to ever match it is thought by some poster they should not have a view on anything you don't have to go to ever match to know whats going on

If you only go to a few games a year but then based on that tiny percentage of the football that's been played make summary judgement about players/tactics as though your opinion is beyond question, you're going to have people disagree with you and tell you you're wrong because they will have seen alot more than you.

If you qualify it by saying "in the 5 games I was xxx play he was cack/wonderful" then I don't think people will have a go.

For example, anyone who saw the first couple of home league games Partridge played would think he was absolutely terrible whereas those who saw the last few he played wouldn't.


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Guest ashtonyate

QUOTE(ashtonyate @ Oct 18 2005, 8:43 PM)

Its all gone very silent over there

Oh shut up you complete twit.

This thread has 100+ replies, but your ignorance and stupidity mean most of it is repetition.

It has probably gone quiet because everyone is sick to the back teeth of trying to communicate with a complete imbecile like you.

When some one post things like ignorance and stupidity and complete imbecile I called him a ass hole If he

doen't like what i say don't read my posts but don't insult me for not agreing with you

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QUOTE(ashtonyate @ Oct 18 2005, 8:43 PM)

Its all gone very silent over there

Oh shut up you complete twit.

This thread has 100+ replies, but your ignorance and stupidity mean most of it is repetition.

It has probably gone quiet because everyone is sick to the back teeth of trying to communicate with a complete imbecile like you.

When some one post things like ignorance and stupidity and complete imbecile I called him a ass hole If he

doen't like what i say don't read my posts but don't insult me for not agreing with you

Please don't say one thing and do another. You are quick to call someone a ass hole, then moan when someone insults you.....Where's the logic in THAT :grr:

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Personal questions are one thing and personal insults are another.

Personal questions are acceptable imo because the recipient has the choice of replying or not.Personal insults are not acceptable (even thought the recipient can still reply) because none of us should be exposed to personal abuse.

A difference of opinion should be expressed without resorting to insults or abuse.

I'm very thick skinned about personal insults and abuse,I've taken far more than most on this forum and when someone does abuse or insult me I always suspect that they must have limited cognition with no other way of expressing themselves.

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Guest ashtonyate

Yeah there shouldn't be personal attacks but then when you harp on about something and completely and utterly ignore every argument you can understand why people get frustrated.

If you only go to a few games a year but then based on that tiny percentage of the football that's been played make summary judgement about players/tactics as though your opinion is beyond question, you're going to have people disagree with you and tell you you're wrong because they will have seen alot more than you.

If you qualify it by saying "in the 5 games I was xxx play he was cack/wonderful" then I don't think people will have a go.

For example, anyone who saw the first couple of home league games Partridge played would think he was absolutely terrible whereas those who saw the last few he played wouldn't.


I don't ignore ever argument I just tell you what I think, people must understand that on some things you can change peoples view

As for not seeing ever game I listen to Radio Bristol and do go to matches not many it is true but when I reading fans views of games you can get two fans watch a game and the views are miles apart, you read the barnet post match views to see what I mean

I started the last Academy post on the fact that we had to import two young players from Charlton and as we Had An Academy we should players to step up now thats a reasonable argument but it was other people who started to bring other thing into it. FROM NOW ON I WILL NOT ANSWER ANY POST WITH INSULTS AND IF OTHER POSTER don't THE SAME IT WOULD STOP IT DEAD

Yeah there shouldn't be personal attacks but then when you harp on about something and completely and utterly ignore every argument you can understand why people get frustrated.

If you only go to a few games a year but then based on that tiny percentage of the football that's been played make summary judgement about players/tactics as though your opinion is beyond question, you're going to have people disagree with you and tell you you're wrong because they will have seen alot more than you.

If you qualify it by saying "in the 5 games I was xxx play he was cack/wonderful" then I don't think people will have a go.

For example, anyone who saw the first couple of home league games Partridge played would think he was absolutely terrible whereas those who saw the last few he played wouldn't.


I don't ignore ever argument I just tell you what I think, people must understand that on some things you can change peoples view

As for not seeing ever game I listen to Radio Bristol and do go to matches not many it is true but when I reading fans views of games you can get two fans watch a game and the views are miles apart, you read the barnet post match views to see what I mean

I started the last Academy post on the fact that we had to import two young players from Charlton and as we Had An Academy we should players to step up now thats a reasonable argument but it was other people who started to bring other thing into it. FROM NOW ON I WILL NOT ANSWER ANY POST WITH INSULTS AND IF OTHER POSTER DONE THE SAME IT WOULD STOP IT DEAD

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bloke is a fool, quite happy to give other people personal abuse, but throws his toys out the pram when it comes back at him.

He has been proven wrong in pretty much everything he said in the Academy posting and basically just made a fool of himself.....funny thing is, he doesn't do himself any favours.

He needs to drop the subject, accept that he was in the wrong and move on.

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Problem is that you say what you think, people reply with reasons for why they think you're wrong, you then repeat what you think without even commenting on most of their rebuttal.

In a debate you'd typically consider their comments with an open mind and if you still disagreed you'd post why you think they are wrong in terms of what they said, rather than just restating the stuff you've already said.

I find this quite frustrating, but in fairness I ought to expect it by now.

Agree that people will always see games differently, but if someone who watched a couple of games tells me that a player is cack and I've seen them every game and play well in most I'm going to reply that if they'd seen more games they'd know better. Listening to the radio just gets you the commentator's opinion alot of the time.


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Guest Cideriuplandlord

I think its class entertainment I especially enjoy the exchanges between bh red and ashton yate. bh red is trying desparately to make the points 90 percent of us are feeling but where as most of us have given up he shows real dedication and keeps trying to get through. I have this image of bh red at his smashed up keyboard saying to himself " I'll give it one more try" only to be sent back into a computer smashing rage when the next reply comes back from our man in Yate.

MORE MORE MORE...sides are aching ........appendix is hurting !!

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Guest ashtonyate

Problem is that you say what you think, people reply with reasons for why they think you're wrong, you then repeat what you think without even commenting on most of their rebuttal.

In a debate you'd typically consider their comments with an open mind and if you still disagreed you'd post why you think they are wrong in terms of what they said, rather than just restating the stuff you've already said.

I find this quite frustrating, but in fairness I ought to expect it by now.

Agree that people will always see games differently, but if someone who watched a couple of games tells me that a player is cack and I've seen them every game and play well in most I'm going to reply that if they'd seen more games they'd know better. Listening to the radio just gets you the commentator's opinion alot of the time.


I would never give apinnion on one game Nor on a manager who has had 5 games thats not true i do reply all the time to post the trouble is they are too long winded most of the time I cant seat here all day reading post I said before let discuss 1 or 2 points not sheets loads of post remember its me against the rest I know other people have the same view as me but don't want to get invoved

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Guest purple_monkey_dishwasher

I cant seat here all day reading post I said before let discuss 1 or 2 points

If you haven't read the long winded posts then how on earth do you know that we're all wrong? If you won't even give us the common courtesy of reading points we are making, how can you possibly hope to offer a sensible, coherent counter argument? Perhaps this might explain the frustration some feel that drives them to insults? If you are too rude to even listen to what someone else is saying in a debate, why should they be polite in return?

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Guest Cideriuplandlord

Damn straight BH red is doing that, he is sat next to me at work, going slowly insane, I do try and make him work, honestly I do.........

Its Class, it really is...how many pc's does he get through. Surely a forum christmas party is called for where all the warring factions are in the same room but have no idea which is which !!!

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If you haven't read the long winded posts then how on earth do you know that we're all wrong? If you won't even give us the common courtesy of reading points we are making, how can you possibly hope to offer a sensible, coherent counter argument? Perhaps this might explain the frustration some feel that drives them to insults? If you are too rude to even listen to what someone else is saying in a debate, why should they be polite in return?

I guess it comes down to whether you're trying to have a debate or just win an argument.


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