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Being A City Player


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As some of our players are on a small fortune,it would be good if they concentrated on being sporstsmen and behaved accordingley.

After all the bad press recently, surely it would be stupid for any player to feel fortunate enough to get blasted down town and escape ridicule.

Or is it acceptable for players-in town or not-to drink excessively.

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Well there is always a few who think they are better than everyone else and like a night on the team regardless of whether they should or not......only last night while I was in town, did I see 4 former young former players of ours, 2 have gone onto better things, whilst 2 had good futures but have done nothings, funny thing is they all seem to think they are better than the rest of us normal people.

Think they can throw their money around and act like they run the place, even though none of them actually work in Bristol anymore.

Modern day footballers make me sick, you do get the few players who are clean cut and decent people who apprectate what they have in life and how lucky they are........The likes of Tinnion, Matty Hill in the lower league and the likes of Owen, Lampard and Shearer higher in the game are model professionals and act the way the should in the public eye.

Whereas you get other "people" who think they are something special and just because they have got lucky in life they can do as they like, act how they like and they are above the law........Thankfully the "people" I saw last night are no longer connected with the club and any others that want to have that kinda "I'm better than you lifestyle" need to find themself another club.........because I personally don't want them at Bristol City.

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