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Here's An Idea....


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It seems to me that after a game you always get the hysterical knee-jerk reactions of 'we're going up!' or 'we're doooooooomed! / manager out!'.

Obviously some people need to get some stuff off their chests, but it's agonising reading, trying to pick out the reasoned views from the sheer insanity.

Why don't we either:

a) have a 24 hour cooling off period after a game before we put our completely OTT comments on OR

b) have another part of the forum for the insane roller-coaster emotional comments we get?

Obviously a) will never happen and the spouting acts as a modern day equivalent of a padded cell for some, but b) has potential....

Any other ideas?

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It seems to me that after a game you always get the hysterical knee-jerk reactions of 'we're going up!' or 'we're doooooooomed! / manager out!'.

Obviously some people need to get some stuff off their chests, but it's agonising reading, trying to pick out the reasoned views from the sheer insanity.

Why don't we either:

a) have a 24 hour cooling off period after a game before we put our completely OTT comments on OR

b) have another part of the forum for the insane roller-coaster emotional comments we get?

Obviously a) will never happen and the spouting acts as a modern day equivalent of a padded cell for some, but b) has potential....

Any other ideas?

Just give me a padded cell so i can try and wipe off the ox blood on my reincarnated Doc Martins! Thankyou.

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